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Arma 3 Apex controls don't work


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 Ok so my problem is that I use the A3 Apex controls which makes you the 1-3 keys(1: primary 2: secondary 3: launcher) and i have change the building controls to num1-3 and I'm unable to use the 1-3 keys still and I will not switch back to the original keys because I spent 20 minutes to set up my keybindings.

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I just selected standard Arma 3 controls under the preset tab on controls window; which puts weapons swap back on scroll wheel where i am used to it and negates having to rebind keys. If you prefer the apex option i would consider putting building controls back to epoch standard and rebinding weapons swap to your num pad, or 4, 5, 6 on top instead; as epoch controls have been known not to like being changed in the past.

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They keyDown eventhandler does this controlled by _handled boolean. Setting this bool to true takes control of a specific keymap, false reverts back to original underlying command or function. However changing this on mod or even single server could negatively impact hundreds of other people running on defaults.

So I suggest either suggestion above or wait until building system is revamped from ground up. Hopefully to something that resembles SBP.

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