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dayz night time


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i know this is a bit of a random question.... but what time does it get the darkest in dayz? Im wanting to get my server to restart allowing a bit of night time but not sure what time in game to have it restart is all

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im planning on doing it by setting the server to restart every 6 hours and have the game start at 12pm as i think 8pm should be dark. this way if what i have found is correct it will be daylight from 12:00 - 17:30 ish and then get dark with the server restarting at 20:00 and then starting the process again. I know this way it will remove mornings and sunrise from the server completely but i cant think of another way of doing it.


I know some people have been working on a 4h day 2h night (speeding up time) but other then dayz origins i have not seen it work and im sure they wont help with the code at all.


I did find this link, http://opendayz.net/threads/accelerated-time.8717/ , but have not tried it so cant confirm if it works or not

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im not keen on the speeding up time as some people say it doesnt run well i thought if maybe i set server time to say 2000hrs and had four hour restarts (maybe month 8) it would be midnight in game (and dark) when the server restarts then it becomes 2000hrs again or is this too simple to be able to work lol 

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thats more or less what i have done. im with vilayer so have access to a load of files and tools so have setup messages at intervals before it restarts. it restarts every 6 hours and the starting time is 14:00 so its 20:00 when it restarts the server and sets time back to 14:00

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thats what im wanting to do im also with vilayer be great if you could explain how your doing it are you using the full moon ? im not sure which month that would be luckily i have a test server i can test this on before it goes live but the guys still want 4 hr restarts so im hoping its possible 

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There was a really nifty chart I am trying to locate that showed the moon phases and also the "In-sky" time..


I think it worked out that June 12 - 2010 was a sublime date for full moon nights with only 6ish hours of nighttime and most of that being lit by the full moon.

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Start your server in game time to 16:00 and setup auto restarts 3 hourly during peak times, 4 hours during normal times and 5 hours at night, our schedule, time is British Summer Time (bst)


0800bst restart - ingame time 16:00 - 20:00
1200bst restart - ingame time 16:00 - 20:00
1600bst restart - ingame time 16:00 - 19:00
1900bst restart - ingame time 16:00 - 19:00
2200bst restart - ingame time 16:00 - 21:00
0300bst restart - ingame time 16:00 - 21:00

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I cant remember what its called but when you log in you get a load of icons. One is called something like set server time. Click it and you will then be given a list of time zones, at the bottom of the list is start times

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when you change the time matt and look in the hiveext.ini should it say static as i thought that meant time wont advance should it be custom ? or local its taking me a while to find everything on vilayer as we have 4 wasteland servers there really easy to do and this day z is rather different shouldnt take me too long to get the hang of it now you guys are helping :) cant thank you enough 

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Yeah i believe static means that it is always x'oclock when the server starts.

Np im happy to help. Just a shame i been traveling this weekend or could have helped a lot better... my phone os some what limited lol

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