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BadToken error kicks all players...



Hi!!! All players are kicked to lobby once per 4 hours (restart time), sometimes even rarer. Every time coused by different players, sometimes even admins, and always in different times. Here's infi log:

22-11-2015 20:45:59 infiSTAR.de | 0h 29min | FirstPlayer(76561201747ххххх) | BadToken (q5islnl5mzmeulcnm). Token belongs to: SecondPlayer(76561201747xxxxx) and not FirstPlayer(765612006156yyyyy) [FPS: 11.9671|THREADS: 48] (v0221)
22-11-2015 20:46:00 infiSTAR.de | 0h 29min | FirstPlayer(765611993918ххххх) | BadToken (uyophic5fbwonb41tnl). Token belongs to: ThirdPlayer(765611993918ххххх) and not FirstPlayer(765612006156yyyyy) [FPS: 10.589|THREADS: 48] (v0221)

and etc. with every player on server and FirstPlayer.

And here's RPT log (from another day and another players, but just the same as always):

20:50:36 "playerDisconnected:765612019197ххххх:FirstPlayer"
20:50:36 Client: Remote object 11:0 not found
20:50:38 Client: Object 3:71 (type Type_90) not found.
20:50:38 Client: Object 3:71 (type Type_91) not found.
20:50:38 Client: Object 3:71 (type Type_400) not found.
20:50:38 Client: Object 3:72 (type Type_90) not found.
20:50:38 Client: Object 3:72 (type Type_91) not found.
20:50:38 Client: Object 3:72 (type Type_400) not found.
20:50:57 "playerConnected:765612019197ххххх:FirstPlayer"
20:51:03 "<infiSTAR.ru> RequestToken: FirstPlayer(765612019197ххххх) Requested a Token!   _clientID: 0"
20:51:03 "<infiSTAR.ru>ConnectLog| 0h 27min | Runtime: 25m 0s | SENT TOKEN [vbghyi5b227c5d42jj0] TO ID [FirstPlayer(765612019197ххххх) - 0] (v0221)"
20:51:03 "<infiSTAR.ru> RequestToken: FirstPlayer(765612019197ххххх) TOKEN FOUND! SENT vbghyi5b227c5d42jj0 TO OBJECT"
20:51:03 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes
20:51:04 Client: Object 14:110 (type Type_91) not found.
20:51:04 "<infiSTAR.ru FNC_AH751_KICKLOGSPAWN> ["myczg8uvqtum4um6sx",["FirstPlayer","765612019197ххххх","SLOG_SKICK",[65,72,32,83,84,65,82,84,69,68,32,84,87,73,67,69,32,45,32,40,75,73,67,75,69,68,32,84,79,32,76,79,66,66,89,41]]]"
20:51:04 "<infiSTAR.ru>SL| 0h 27min | FirstPlayer(765612000820ууууу) | BadToken (myczg8uvqtum4um6sx). Token belongs to: SecondPlayer(765612000820ууууу) and not FirstPlayer(765612019197ххххх) (v0221)"
20:51:04 "<infiSTAR.ru>KickLog| FirstPlayer(765612000820ууууу)   (v0221)"
20:51:04 Unable to execute command '#kick FirstPlayer' by server.

Is there any way to know what is Object 3:71 (type Type_90) ???

Can anyone help, or at least show some directions to look for?
Right now it happened again: here's full log - logfile - kick was exactly at 22:54:44

Thank you! And pard my english:)

Edited by aimgame
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