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Precise Base Building


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In manual said


_key = format["CHILD:308:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:",dayZ_instance, _class, 0 , _charID, _worldspace, [], [], 0,_uid];

and replace with


_key = format["CHILD:308:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:",dayZ_instance, _class, 0 , _charID, _worldspace call AN_fnc_formatWorldspace, [], [], 0,_uid];



does not ysed jo write.pl

and _key call server_hiveWrite;

does not sence.


and how write oject DATA on linux

this for player

key = format["CHILD:101:%1:%2:%3:",_playerID,dayZ_instance,_playerName];

for char

_key = format["CHILD:102:%1:",_characterID];

but i don't understand how object data write in to base

any ideas ?

p.s. sorry for my English

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if write to DB on linux working by cathes diag_log(s)

then maby 

diag_log format["CHILD:308:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:",dayZ_instance, _class, 0 , _charID, _worldspace call AN_fnc_formatWorldspace, [], [], 0,_uid];


_key call server_hiveWrite;

correct me if i'm wrong driection

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, why do you not have a look into the epoch linux server files? There you can see how it is writen to the db via diag_log.

Extract the epoch server .pbo and have a look at scripts which update vehicles for example (I don't have the correct names now in front of me but you will find them by the name).

And have a look into writer.pl as this is the place where the db reads/updates/deletes happen. The script parses the information from the server log file. Therefore the epoch server scripts write it into the log.




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