Jump to content patch crafting issues (stops working randomly)


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Very frequently I can't bring up "crafting" menu when standing close to a safe/shelf and workbench between them. When I move away 4 meters from workbench it starts working. I get closer to workbench and it stops working again and have to do it several times until I am able to open crafting menu and at the same time be in 3m proximity of workbench to be able to craft.

Need to do more tests without safes standing so close to a workbench though. However I noticed that I can not bring up crafting menu even when I cut trees and try to craft lumber packs from wooden logs. I need to move again away from the spot I was standing and then I can normally open crafting menu.

On top of that, question for Raymix, when items should appear on the workbench (when crafted) and when they appear in you inventory? When I was playing experimental all items crafted (which took 4 seconds) appeared on workbench, yet after release and after some time I noticed that now items appear only in my inventory and never on a workbench.


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Yeah maybe a server issue or something, will have to join some another one to see if I can reproduce it but then again, there are no vanilla servers left :D

I noticed it not initially, only after couple of days playing. At first all items that required workbench spawned on workbench, as in experimental dev server, as after public release and on that server that I play. Then after a day maybe admins did something (they said just decreased drone spawning) and items started to be placed in my inventory instead. Seem odd. I found a "workaround" though, I just point my character with a gun up and a little bit move away from workbench and can normally open crafting menu.

Edited by KPABATOK
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Да  изменены сервер 

но без модов играть эпохальное скучно

не хватает разнообразия


I'm not blaming you for having server mods (which I support 100%), its just that I can't confirm or deny that the issue is with mod.
Normally I would jump on my dev server (unmodded) and try to reproduce the problem, but it's all working fine for me. Anyway, this seems like a popular issue that was already reported and will is fixed in next update.

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