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crafting not working currently


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I cannot build my base because the workbench does not work properly right now.


Crafting that doesnt need workbench works fine, but basic things that need workbench such as frequency jammer cannot be made.


The situation is, 


1. Cannot open crafting window.

   The crafting window pop-up and disappears.........I can see the crafting window for less than a second.......              One in a hundred time, it opens finally..


2. Workbench.

  The crafting window says that i am more than 3m far from the workbench although i am just beside it.     

  Of course i cant make anything even though i have all the materials required

  and the workbench disappears after restart.




Does anyone know how to handle this case?                            I cant build a base right now...

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Join any vanilla Epoch server and try it out again. From recent posts, people noticed problems only in modded servers, so you should ask server owners (who installed 100 different mods/scripts on their servers) to figure this out (by removing certain mods/scripts until it fixes stuff) or maybe fresh data base even. I am not sure if developers will fix it, but I would imagine, that other people's mods not working on top of their original Epoch mod is other people's problems. Though it sounds too harsh for some, we can only hope the fix will arrive at some point.

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