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Sorry for another newb question :) class SniperRifleMarkDLC
        items[] = {
                { { "srifle_DMR_02_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_02_camo_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_02_sniper_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_03_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_03_khaki_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_03_tan_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_03_multicam_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_03_woodland_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_04_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_04_Tan_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_05_blk_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_05_hex_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_05_tan_f", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_06_camo_F", "weapon" }, 1 },
                { { "srifle_DMR_06_olive_F", "weapon" }, 1 }

What does that number after the class name mean? If i put it to 0, will it make it so none of those guns spawn in loot?

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It's the weight, as in the chance of it spawning from that table.

If you want it to spawn more often, then increase the number, but the tables themselves also have weight depending on the CfgMainTable entry the loot is coming from.


class Vehicle : Default
		lootMin = 3;
		LootMax = 6;
		tables[] = {
				{ "Items", 6 },
				{ "Equipment", 6 },
				{ "Pistols", 6 },
				{ "PistolAmmo", 6 },
				{ "Scopes", 4 },
				{ "Muzzles", 4 },
				{ "Uniforms", 6 },
				{ "Vests", 6 },
				{ "Headgear", 6 },
				{ "Food", 4 },
				{ "Generic", 6 },
				{ "GenericAuto", 6 },
				{ "Machinegun", 4 },
				{ "MachinegunAmmo", 4 },
				{ "Rifle", 5 },
				{ "RifleAmmo", 4 },
				{ "SniperRifle", 3 },
				{ "SniperRifleAmmo", 4 },
				{ "Hand", 4 },
				{ "Grenades", 2 },
				{ "Backpack", 4 }


If you want to have it not spawn, it's better to remove the entry instead of setting it to zero.

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