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Remove the green color from the GUI



Hey guys,
first I want to apologize for my english. :D

Okay, I've installed "Cen's Custom GUI", no problems so far, it's easy. The only problem is, if I change an icon to white for example the survivor icon, it is green in the game. So I think there is something in my files that sets the color always to green. If the icon is black, there is no problem. I think because black + green is still black xD

I will upload my both files where I set my GUI, could you say me how to remove the green color shizzle?

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3 answers to this question

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Try to use zip file instead of rar, my AV was raging like crazy (eset).

Either way, I don't know what Cen's custom gui looks like, but I am familiar with the issue you are getting, what you are experiencing is issue with font color in structured text - yes font color affects images, too (A3L haven't figured this one out yet lol).
Basically, when composing ST you have to put white font color right before image tags and if there's any text after it, another font tag should go there right before the text, unless text is also white that is...

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Thank you for the fast answer. I think I really need some help with that, I am not a newbie in making servers but that's a bit difficult and thank you for the tip with the archieve, I will make it better next time. Now, if you don't know how it looks like, here is a ss:

So far, so good. Now I edited all the images and especially the background. The black drawn thing here: http://prntscr.com/88rvw8

I wanted to make it white and ingame it was green. I figured out that this thing is mentioned in this line of my description.ext

text = "customGUI\bg.paa";

It's a custom one as I said before because I want it white. You said that is an issue with the font color, but I can't see any line above that where font color is mentioned but it's still green.

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