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Almyra Abandonded Airbase/Trader Outpost


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Thought I'd share this never ending WIP. Abandoned airbase by the salt flats runway. Should make for a decent PvP/looting area. Inside the dome is a trader booth already setup with an ATM and a helipad outside to spawn vehicles. If you use Halv and Suppes Blackmarket Traders just add the following coords to epoch.altis\trader\init.sqf and one will be placed in the right spot. Also has gas pumps outside the doors of the dome for refueling land vehicles.


[[23202.3,18442.4,0],38.34,true], // Blackmarket Trader at Salt Flats




Go to my github above and copy/paste the code into a new file in your editor of choice. Save as SFTOutpost.sqf


To add it to your map, download a3_epoch_custom.zip from the first post here...


Extract the folder and place SFTOutpost.sqf in the a3_epoch_custom\mapcontent folder.


Go to your a3_epoch_custom\init folder and add this to your fn_init.sqf....


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\custom\mapcontent\SFTOutpost.sqf";


Pack the a3_epoch_custom folder into a .pbo and upload to @epochhive\addons.




This way is much better since you dont have to edit your mission file.


Pics in spoiler













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I do not think so, at least I do not know how to do it easily. The coords of the objects are set to a specific location on Altis. You would have to make your own base in M3Editor at the location you want then export to sqf file. Take your new sqf file and put it in the mapcontent folder in a3_epoch_custom and add this to the init file in the init folder in a3_epoch_custom.


call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\custom\mapcontent\YOURBASENAME.sqf"

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