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BattlEye: Script Restriction #133


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Anybody know something about it?


Everything was working perfectly before the restart on both servers and now bam XXXX has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #133 ccan,t join the server anymore. We didn't change anything and didn't add any script for weeks. Very annoying. 


Restarted several time still same, in the log (spoiler) it said something and we disable the thing in the scripts.txt I don't know whats that and why its like that if we didn't change anything.


_grpPos = ctrlPosition _control;

_grpPos set [3,0];
_control ctrlS"
15.07.2015 18:08:04: Gunny (XXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXX - #145 "u = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);
_menu ctrlShow false;
_grpPos = ctrlPosition _control;
_grpPos set [3,0];
_control ctrlS"
15.07.2015 18:08:17: Gunny (XXXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXX - #133 "ehicle_lockunlock = [];};
_tempRemoveAction = vehicle player addAction ['', '', [], 1, false, true, '', 'false'];

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All the info is there for you to fix.. And from what you show it looks like it is a custom script kick for a custom dialog menu. Maybe check the script for any updates. Not a Epoch kick. Keep track of the scripts you installed.


Well everything was working fine before the restart we didn't install anything since weeks. I put 1 in front of the line instead 5 to disable it but still kick players there is the scripts.txt I put in red what is the problem.





5 "dedicatedServerInterface"

5 "set' + 'Damage"

5 "\"Logic\" createUnit _array;"

5 "hint \"Server Anti-Hack is OFF. Rejoin Server Now\";"

5 "[6300,7700,0]"

5 "group (" !"_mygrp = group ("

5 ", 27000"

5 "Sound_Alarm"

5 "Sound_Alarm2"

5 "val = [.1,1.5,.2]"

5 "BoxObject"

5 "dafonz"

5 "_fonzy"

5 "_troll"

5 "_sharky"

5 "Phonza"

5 "gible"

5 "Freddie" !"'freddiesexternalmenu\freddies_active.sqf'"

5 "\"Tank\",\"Wheeled_APC\",\"Tracked_APC\"]"

5 "_bagfordel"

5 "nice antihack"

5 "\"Bo\"+\"_FAB\"+\"_250\""

5 "\"B\"+\"o\"+\"_\"+\"F\"+\"A\"+\"B\"+\"_\"+\"2\"+\"5\"+\"0\""

5 "_x setDamage 1"

5 "nearestObjects [[6325.6772,7807.7412]"

5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\", \"HelicopterExploSmall\""

5 "\"HelicopterExplobig\",\"HelicopterExploSmall\""

5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\", \"HelicopterExplobig\""

5 "\"HelicopterExploSmall\",\"HelicopterExplobig\""

5 "_classname = \"HelicopterExploBig\";"

5 "_fck select"

5 "BattleFieldClearance"

5 "_codeAHOFF"

5 "_first in"

5 "_commands"

5 "_agent setDamage 1"

5 "_unit createUnit"

5 "createUnit _array"

5 "[_pos, _grp, \";\" +"

5 "+ \";\""

5 "+\";\""

5 "+ \";\"]"

5 "+\";\"]"

5 "], \"Logic\"]"

5 "],\"Logic\"]"

5 "closeDisplay ="



5 "Ruslter"

5 "Systems Online"

5 "HangenderRE"

5 "vilegaming"

5 "v.i.l.e"

5 "Lystic"

5 "setDammage"

5 "compile toString"

5 "@TheWarZ"

5 "beeeh"

5 "dayz-injector-menu"

5 "Shadowy_NONRE"

5 "_cute"

5 "_stuff"

5 "_vgmenu"

5 "_func4"

5 "_genVar"

5 "_rand60"

5 "_first_term"

5 "_skarmory"

5 "_salamence"

5 "Init RE"

5" Nigger"

5 "\"You\""

5 "selectedItemCountLeft = lnbText"

5 "[[\"Man\",\"Air\",\"Car\",\"Motorcycle\",\"Tank\",\"Ship\",\"StaticWeapon\"],250000]"

5 "action_crate1"

5 "_dummyveh"

5 "], 40000])"

5 "(getPosATL player) nearObjects [\"Man\", 200];"

5 "(nearestObject [player, \"Rabbit\"])"

5 "try saving"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar\",50];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",50];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar\",50];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",50];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",50];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar\",500];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemSilverBar10oz\",500];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar\",500];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemGoldBar10oz\",500];"

5 "addMagazineCargoGlobal[\"ItemBriefcase100oz\",500];"

5 "rJIPrequest =" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'"

5 "(createGroup sideLogic)"

5 "_g = createGroup sidelogic;"

5 "_u = _g createUnit ["

5 "_u = _g createUnit [\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\",[0,0,0],[],0,\"NONE\"];"

5 "_MissionZBoar"

5 "join _Editor;"

5 "_Editor ="

5 "\"F\"+\"u\"+\"n\"+\"c\"+\"t\"+\"i\"+\"o\"+\"n\"+\"s\"+\"M\"+\"a\"+\"n\"+\"a\"+\"g\"+\"e\"+\"r\""

5 "Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager"

5 "allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager'"

5 "allmissionobjects \"FunctionsManager\""

5 "], \"FunctionsManager\"]"

5 "],\"FunctionsManager\"]"

5 "\"Functions\" + \"Manager\""


5 "\"Fuck server\""

5 "\"Rcon (run twice)\""

5 "'by Douggem'"

5 "taskHint ['Nuke incoming, take cover!',[1,0,0,1],'taskNew'];"

5 "taskHint ['Open your mouth my cock is going in',[1,0,0,1],'taskNew'];"

5 "taskHint ['LOL NICE ANTIHACK! Your shitty server just got fucked. Have a nice day!',[1,0.05,0.55,1],'taskNew'];"

5 "Nuke incoming, take cover!"

5 "Open your mouth my cock is going in"

5 "LOL NICE ANTIHACK! Your shitty server just got fucked. Have a nice day!"

5 "_epochGuard = (_epochGroup)"

5 "\"Fun\"+\"ctions\"+\"Man\"+\"ager\""

5 "'Hel'+'icopterE'+'xplobig'"

5 "\"Hel\"+\"icopterE\"+\"xploBig\""

5 "Spawned exploding sheep on all"

5 "create\"+\"Unit"

5 "dayz_spawnPos =" !"dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player" !"dayz_spawnPos = _debugPos;"

5 "_newUnit = _class"

5 "_unit = _grp create\"+\"Unit [_type, _itemPos, _class];"

5 "_unit = _grp createUnit [_type, _itemPos, _class];"

5 "[_type, _itemPos, _class]"

5 "_engineered"

5 "[] spawn {player addMagazine"

5 "[] spawn {player addWeapon"

5 "_objectBB"

5 "_hitMemoryBB"

1 "Key [%1] added to inventory!"

5 "_object = \"Medbox0\" createVehicle (position player);"

5 "vehicle player addaction"

5 "respawn_west" !="getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\"" !="getMarkerpos 'respawn_west';"

5 "attachTo [_hitObjectBB"

5 "_DMG = 0; exitWith{};"

5 "addvehicle.sqf"

5 "cutText [\"Starting Spawn...\", \"PLAIN DOWN\"];"

5 "createVehicleLocal _fck"

1 "createVehicleLocal _position" !"_spawnveh createVehicleLocal _position" !="_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !="_tag = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal _position;"

1 "player addweapon _result;"

1 "FunctionsManager" !="_logic = _group createUnit [\"FunctionsManager\", [0,0,0], [], 0, \"none\"];"

1 "\"+\""

1 "'+'"

1 "_grp" !"createGroup" !="BIS_OO_grpLogic" !="BIS_OO_grp"

1 "createDialog" !"\"createDialog\"" !"='STR';" !"createdialog \"EpochDeathBoardDialog\";" !"createdialog \"TraderDialog\";" !"createdialog \"ComboLockUI\"" !"createdialog \"SafeKeyPad\";" !"createDialog \"RscDisplayGenderSelect\";" !"createDialog \"RscDisplaySpawnSelecter\";" !"createDialog 'RscDisplayCraftingMenu';" !"createDialog 'DRN_DIALOG';"

1 "createDisplay" !"\"createDisplay\"" !"='STR';"

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I think you don't know where you are posting.

Ah damn, pretty sure I clicked on A2, sorry can you put that discussion where it should?


Well, problem fixed. I put the copy of antihack I saved June 20 and its all working. One admin think an hacker might visit both server and injected something to messed up the antihack. You think its possible?

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