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Problems with init.sqf in mission file?!?!



Hello together,


i have some little problems on my server and i don't know if it may be the init.sqf which is default totally epmtpy.

My init.sqf looks like this:

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Earplugs for vehicles
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf";
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Custom Spawn selection
[] execVM "addons\halv_spawn\init.sqf";/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Control the epoch ai limit per player
// 1. Cultist, 2. Shark, 3. Sapper regular, 4. Super Sapper, 5. Drone, 6. Invisible Phantom, 7. Transport Heli
EPOCH_spawnLimits = [2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1];// Mission script
if(hasInterface)then{execVM "semClient.sqf"};

I have following Scripts installed so far:

https://github.com/computermancer/cmEarplugs (randomly not working for some players, till relog)
http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/33013-release-zhb-zupas-hud-builder-v12/ (okay)
https://github.com/Halvhjearne/halv_spawn (only ground spawn)
https://github.com/GBR-Suppe/Lootspawner-Master (seems randomly not to be loaded)
https://github.com/KiloSwiss/Simple-Epoch-Missions (okay)

The problem is, that e.g. loot spawner is not working all the time and needs server reboots. Then it is instand loot on the ground on the first minute server is alive. The PBO of the Plugin is directly in @epochhive (serverside) so i know it is not in init.sqf. But maybe the plugins has to be loaded in another way? Like (is_server oder is_dedicated)? Maybe other plugins cause this issue by false loading i mean.


Does anybody have an idea? Sorry for my questions but arma 3 is new to me ;)



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