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Cannot start server on port 2302.



Hi, i am trying to create an epoch server for me and my friends to play on, however in the console i get this error: Cannot start server on port 2302. 

I tried changing my port, which didnt work and i cant find anything online about this error (i did find one, but it didn't help).


Picture of my server startup: http://gyazo.com/57c3de0d2b1433763883bc4a80c48cf6


Server startup parameters:

@echo off

arma3server.exe -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive; -config=Desktop\Arma 3 Epoch\SC\config.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=Desktop\Arma 3 Epoch\SC\config.cfg -name=SC
If there is any other files that i need to post please let me know, thanks for any help!
EDIT: My EpochServer.ini:
BattlEyePath = SC\battleye
InstanceID = NA123
LogAbuse = 1
IP =
Port = 2302
Password = **********
IP =
Port = 6379
DB = 0
Password = **********
Logging = 0
Key = 
VACBanned = 0
VACMinimumNumberOfBans = 0
VACMaximumDaysSinceLastBan = 0
PlayerAllowOlderThan = 0
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