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CreateVehicle height





Basicly im creating a mini battle royale event got most of it setup atm.

I got this (atm addaction) that spawn a loot crate. What i want is it to spawn in height ive been searching all around i got into some array's etc but still coudn't get far.


this is the createvehicle for now:

_supplyBoxFnc = "B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F";


_supplyBox = createVehicle [_supplyBoxFnc, getPos player, [], 10, "CAN_COLLIDE"];


the getPos player is going to change later so it spawn randomly around the island where the event is happening but ofcourse i need them to spawn in the air 

the Chute etc is for later allready found someways with attachto etc. Just want this height thingy solved hehe.


Kind regards,


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You could try :

_supplyBoxFnc = "B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F";
_supplyBox = createVehicle [_supplyBoxFnc, [x,y,z], [], 10, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

Where x and y are the map coords and z is the height you want to spawn at

Yes this works, i dont need it to spawn exactly at a player anyways so thanks!

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