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Mags Disappearing MX3GL


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had the same problem on several servers, have only noticed it the last few days because I generally use the MX SW as my preferred weapon. All of the servers I've played on state they have the latest files, and some servers are "vanilla" epoch while other have weapon addon packs such as the @MAS weapons.


So far I have noticed it with the MX 3GL, M4A1 M203, and a few others. Right not, I'm thinking the problem has only occurred with weapons using an under-barrel launcher, but I'll need to test it further to confirm. Right now, I can't recall having the problem with other weapons, just those with a launcher attached.


It doesn't seem to matter if the magazine is full or partially used, and it happens every time I log in. As my character is loading in and you see him ready his weapon, it gives you the reload icon on screen and your previously-loaded magazine is gone. I have also seen it happen when I have spare magazines in my inventory, and when I do not. Based on this information so far, I am wondering if it has something to do with any launcher-equipped weapon. Maybe we can get more people to test it out and confirm.

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I've been trying on several different servers, including a few running the Bornholm map, some servers using default Epoch mod while others add in additional weapon mods such as RHS or @MAS. It's the same on all of them without exclusion, any launcher-mounted weapons will lose their magazine on relog but not the loaded grenades. And so far it ONLY happens with launcher-mounted weapons. This includes the MX 3GL, M16A4 M203, etc.


Because I like the 40mm option, I don't want to stop using it altogether. So I have to remember to manually remove any loaded magazines when I log out. But that doesn't fix the problem, and if you lose connection or crash you have lost your magazine.


Still no idea what might be causing it, but so far I've narrowed it down to launcher-mounted weapons only, regardless of which mod they came from, and regardless of which server I'm on.

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