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Init, BE, lockbox and helicopters exploding issues



Hey guys, i have a few different problems that are ocurring.


First issue is zone control point requires i call zcp.sqf from my init.sqf, but its not working! :C


this is what my init file looks like -

[] execVM "zcp.sqf";

[] execVM "semClient.sqf"

SEM works fine, but zcp doesnt seem to be working? I have the zcp.sqf file within epoch.altis.pbo, so im not sure what im doing wrong.




Ok now with be its kicking people off whenever a zombie explodes and "kills them". When they reconnect, they arent actually dead and its like be kicked them before they died? D: 


the problem with the lockboxes is some people cannot place them? I can place them fine, but i am the only owner admin so maybe that has something to do with it?


And lastly, some people are having issues where when they get into a random helicopter it seems to be glitchy and self destructs D: It doesnt always occur, as i have gotten into helicopters fine.



Please please help me fix the zcp issue, i have liturally spent 4 hours of non stop trial and error :/

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