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DZMI, WAI and DZMS - What do they exactly do?



Hello Everyone

My name is Haze and I'm pretty new to this game and this community. Let me give you some info about me, before asking my questions.

I'm 25, living in Germany next Munich. I'm earning my money as an IT Tech. I actually started off with DayZ Standalone about one year ago. But after having a broader view, I found the Dayz Mod and Dayz Epoch (which I really like). Well, after some hours of game play, me and a good friend decided to setup a private Epoch server. For now I'm running it on a Debian Wheezy (7.0) I had in spare.

And this is where I am at the moment. The server itself works pretty good so far (Thx for the Youtube Linux tuts, I think you know who I mean). I managed to install the admin tools, safe zones and remove the AIs spawning next to a players position. So far, so good.

I think I basically understand what the mission systems do so far. But having a closer look into the server.pbo takes me to some confusion. I see that my script executes WAI (Wicked AI, I think) and DZAI (DayZ Chernarus Mission System, I think). As far as I understood, both are mission systems, right? But why are both loaded in the server_monitor.sqf?

// WAI missions
[] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf";

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf";

Is there a difference between these systems? I know that I've disabled the AIs, spawning next the players, in the DZAI config file. But what does WAI do then? I read a lot of topics on the net, especially about DZMS and WAI (not so much resources about DZAI) but they're available in scripting communities only and written in the "You know what this systems do, this are the instructions to install them"-Style.

Looking forward to your answers.

Thanks in advance

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3 answers to this question

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DZAI spawnt AI's abhängig davon, ob ein Spieler in der Nähe ist. Heisst, wenn Du dich in Cherno rumtreibst, werden dort Bots gespawnt, fährst Du weiter nach Elektro, werden dort ebensfalls Bots gespawnt. In den configs von DZAI sind Marker zu finden, welche als Trigger dienen.

WAI hingegen spawnt nur einmal irgendwo auf der Map eine Mission mit Bots, die spawnen auch, wenn kein Spieler in der Nähe ist. Hast Du alle getötet und befindest dich in einem Radius von ca.30m zur Lootbox, wird diese Mission als erfolgreich beendet und je nach Config in einem bestimmten Zeitfenster an einer anderen Stelle wieder erscheinen. Kann diesmal eine völlig andere Mission sein.

DZAI = keine Belohnungssystem, dient lediglich die Gegend etwas unsicherer zu machen (unausweichlicher Botspawn, je nach Location)
WAI = Belohnungssystem (kann umgangen werden)

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