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Napf Severe Lag


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Having an issue i cant quite quantify on my napf server. When players get over 20 the log in time takes FOREVER and the lag in game can get upwards of 10 seconds behind. Now i thought maybe it was the server im hosted on but i have firends with napf servers with the same issues. Vehicles that are bought take a while to spawn and lock, players shoot Zombies and they dont die for a couple seconds. So i thne thought it was maybe my scripts. But i started a cherno server a while back and it uses the EXACT same scripts. In fact i took the PBOs from my napf server and converted it to cherno and cherno is running smooth as silk.


Anyone else having these horrible lag issues with Napf? Or know what it is. All the Napf servers i know of are running on Vert Hosting that had the same lag issues. Ive seen 4 that do exactly what im experiencing.

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could be many reasons , most common ones are bad basic.cfg files , to many ai , bad sql database  and to many items/vehicles

if your not hosting a dedicated server i would try to keep items on server down , used to host with a non dedi and when my server got to about 2000+objects the server really started to lagg


got any of these?

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both servers are running about the same amount of objects and cars. about the same amount of AI. i have animals and zombies severely reduced on both servers. Yet cherno chugs along just fine. I found event when my napf install was brand new you would buy a vehicle from traders and it could take 10 seconds for it to fully initialize and lock.

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