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Slow loading trader category's



Could anyone please tell me why my new server from gtxgaming running Overwatch Origins Taviana has really slow loading trader category's what I mean by this is.. Eg... I go to the weapon trader and select assault rifles then have to wait literally 2 minutes before the guns appear.


I spoke to gtx gaming about this and they said the following and I quote...


"Yes I feel your pain in relation to the traders time length. This is because my SQL file adds loads of new items to the database it takes a while for the query to send / receive when its sent to the database. You will be pleased to know I have resolved this in my next update by instead of using database traders I have included them in the mission file. This loads instantly, its so great. This is also why you will have seen this type of traders time length before on other servers."


NOTE THIS PART... This is because my SQL file adds loads of new items to the database


​This is utter horse shit there are no weapons except the default listed there are NO Overpoch and NO Origin weapons listed at all... This is also utter bollocks... " it takes a while for the query to send / receive when its sent to the database."


I have another server hosted with Vilayer and there trader have all Overpoch weapons and more and there list loads instantly.. I also have my home server hosted on my home machine and that is also using the sql to load these weapons and my home server has all weapons in arma listed and its also instant..


I don't understand the need to lie about it if they have issues at current that's fine just don't bloody lie about everything... Its like there getting a lot of errors in the RPT and it kicks me to the lobby and there saying the error is normal for there hybrid server... I'm sorry... its normal to get errors and be kicked to the lobby are they jeffing serious...?


Rant over...


Would anyone know of a way to bypass there crap code for loading trader items and do it another way to make it fast and also need an sql file to add the overpoch weapons and origins as there not actually listed...


It just makes me sick when your paying for a service and they out right lie to you... BE BLOODY STRAIGHT with us and no matter what the problem is you will gain respect just for been honest!



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Ok they now see what I am saying about the traders having only default weapons and a cool guy from there is about to add all the weapons and vics and stuff to them so that's one part done now I just need to find away to force them trader items to load when the server do instead of them been loaded by a player interacting with them.

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