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Overpoch Origins Taviana - after installing DZGM all traders vanished.



Hi I am with GTXgaming and having some weird issue, after installing DZGM "DayZ Group Manager" I logged into my server to make sure the script works and it do indeed work but a very strange thing has happened all the trade towns and traders have gone... the markers are still on the map but the whole trade town is missing and so are all the traders... why would adding this little script cause this... Would this have anything to do with it been Origins where you was never allowed to modify the servers? Kinda annoying me as my home server never had these issues I could install a script and boom its working.. every script I have tried to install with GTX has buggered the server.

The only other changers to the server are listed below...

*Added custom Loadouts to custom\loadout.sqf the code that loads loadout.sqf is in init.sqf

*Added setViewDistance 3500; to init.sqf

*Removed Fog in custom\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf "_minimumFog = 0; and _maximumFog = 0;"

Are any of these things able to cause the issue?




I have gone back to the DZGM install progress and and undone all the changes I made to the server including View Distance, fog, loadout everything is back to stock but my traders and trade towns are still missing. To add to that everytime I spawn In the server I am under the floor swimming and cant get out no matter what I do, I have Infistar and have teleported to several locations and I am still stuck...

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