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Adding buildings to epoch not working :S



Hi, I have been trying to add some building into my epoch server using the editor items but it wont work...


In dayz_server\buildings I added my file fuelstation.sqf


then I added this:

execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\fuelstation.sqf";





I then launched the server and logged in but my build is not there :(


fuelstation.sqf : https://www.dropbox.com/s/x6j06ifca73u79t/fuelstation.sqf?dl=0


Could anyone please take a look and tell me why this wont load into the map?



Not sure if it makes any difference but my server Is Overpoch (overwatch + Epoch)

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I realised why they was not spawning I did not repack the server files into the .pbo however now I have repacked them I cant get into the server because of the maps I am getting errors like this in .rpt


if(isnil "dayz_MapA>
18:19:19   Error position: <spawn_mineveins;
if(isnil "dayz_MapA>
18:19:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: spawn_mineveins
18:19:19 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 398
18:19:19 Error in expression <x" from 1 to MaxMineVeins do {
[] spawn spawn_mineveins;
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