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{Request} Vehicle Garage


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  • 4 weeks later...

would anyone with the ExtBD script repost it somewhere.  The links are dead, github is dead also. The reason i want the one with extbd is to free up room on the normal database.



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Sort of a fix to prevent accessing garage when there's multiple around would be something like this.


Open fn_selfActions.sqf and add this somewhere at the top and also define it in your private array

_playersNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 5]);

Define _playersNear in your private array at the top aswell, i placed it after _canDo  because i use it for more than just the garage

Then find this line

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _garageallowed) then {

And replace it with this

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _garageallowed && (_playersNear <= 1)) then {


And voila, you're done, people might get a little confused at first but they will adapt.

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Sort of a fix to prevent accessing garage when there's multiple around would be something like this.


Open fn_selfActions.sqf and add this somewhere at the top and also define it in your private array

_playersNear = {isPlayer _x} count (player nearEntities ["CAManBase", 5]);

Define _playersNear in your private array at the top aswell, i placed it after _canDo  because i use it for more than just the garage

Then find this line

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _garageallowed) then {

And replace it with this

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _garageallowed && (_playersNear <= 1)) then {


And voila, you're done, people might get a little confused at first but they will adapt.

What about displaying a message like what happens when you try to unlock a safe and a player is too close.

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You could use something like this instead

if ((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_Garage) && (speed player <= 1) && _canDo) then {

	if (_playersNear >= 1) then {

		cutText ["Garage is not available because there is another player nearby.","PLAIN DOWN"];

	} else {

		if (s_player_garage < 0) then {
			if ((getPlayerUID player) in _garageallowed) then {
				s_player_garage =  player addAction ["<t color='#ED2744'>My Garage</t>", "custom\garage\player_virtualgarage.sqf", _cursorTarget, 2, false];
			} else {
				s_player_garage = player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Garage is Locked</t>", "",_cursorTarget, 2, true, true, "", ""];   


} else {
    player removeAction s_player_garage;
    s_player_garage = -1;       


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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

im wondering if someone can help me with blacklisting certain vehicles from being put in the garage.  I have 2 servers, one overpoch, the other overpochins.  I dont want players trying to put origins vehicles in there, then trying to pull them out on cherno.  It will most likely lock the server.  I've looked through some of the ai scripts that you are able to blacklist certain weapons that you dont want ais to use, but im not smart enough to figure out what was needed to make it work.

Thanks in advance


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open player_storevehicle.sqf and after this on top

if(lbCurSel 3802 == -1) exitWith {hint  "No Vehicle selected"};
_unit = player;
_obj = StoreVehicleList select (lbCurSel 3802);
StoreVehicleList = nil;
_wogear = _this select 0;
closeDialog 0;

add this

_cannotstore = ["noob","add","here","classename","of","origins","vehicles"];
if (_obj in _cannotstore) exitWith { cutText ["You can not store Origins Vehicles!", "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

and add "_cannotstore" in the private array on top to prevent undefinied blahblah errors

untested but shout be working

Edited by 3steN8igall
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open player_storevehicle.sqf and after this on top

add this

and add "_cannotstore" in the private array on top to prevent undefinied blahblah errors

untested but shout be working

thanks for the fast reply... Tested doesnt work. i had something similar, but yours is much cleaner lol I had used the one from the DZAI weaponbanlist.

But i also had edited vehicle_store_list not player_storevehicle (originally)

and just incase you are wondering i did add the _cannotstore in the private array. 

In the file you mentioned that i should edit, just bellow where i needed to add the additions is a line of text that doesnt allow you to put missions vehicles, but that checks the object id in the database...If im reading it correctly. thought this might help

if (_objectID == "1") exitWith {cutText ["Can not store mission vehicle.", "PLAIN DOWN"];}; // Check for mission vehicle WAI Script

again, thanks for your reply :) 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

you sound like fucking cry baby mate, you sat there for like 2 hours a day for few days putting bit coding together then cried because it got leaked like every other fuckers does. News flash for you companys have people day in day out year in year out sat there coding away guess what all there coding is open source and there not crying everyones using it are they? grow up

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2 hours ago, whatever123 said:

you sound like fucking cry baby mate, you sat there for like 2 hours a day for few days putting bit coding together then cried because it got leaked like every other fuckers does. News flash for you companys have people day in day out year in year out sat there coding away guess what all there coding is open source and there not crying everyones using it are they? grow up

:blink::blink::blink: revive a post from times of first world war,...  who is the cry babe? the archduke of Austro-Hungarian Empire?   ...you gave a smail mate. Tnks!

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