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Hiring an active Scripter - Vilayer - Overpoch



Hi forum goers, it's me again.


I am looking to add a scripter to my staff. Between my brain injury from Iraq (road side bombs are a bitch!)  and my disabled son I am having major issues trying to learn this stuff, and need to get work on my server done!


First off I want to thank all the people who posted to me before offering me server files, but alas I need an actual scripter on my staff, so here we go!


Scripter has to know how to navigate the Vilayer panels (I am not changing hosts right now)

Scripter has to be past novice abilities and know fully what he is doing.

Scripter has to be able to work a few days or nights a week until the server is launched. (I am OK with either, insomnia and all)

Scripter has to be OK with a payment plan if we decide upon a money deal. (I hope to find a good Samaritan though!)

Scripter will be given full access to everything he needs.


I have a few ways you can contact me:


Email - [email protected]

Teamspeak - (Poke Storms, I will reply As soon as I can!)

Forums - Replying here will ensure I see it as well


Thank you all again for your time!


SSG Kevin J. Storms

US Army Infantry, Retired

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