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Sling Loading Exploding Heli


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Server: GTX TX01

Version: Arma 1.34/Epoch


So we had a pickup truck sling loaded to a Mohawk and we were flying along. The pilot went to use to restroom so he told the copilot to take controls and as soon as the copilot took controls the helicopter blew up, presumable because the truck glitched into it, that's what it looked like in the kill cam thingy. When we came back to the crash, the truck was floating a couple hundred meters in the air perfectly fine. As soon as we shot it, it fell out of the sky and it didn't even blow up, the tires just blew up.  


Haven't had it happen again, because we haven't want to try, but we might test it in the future (for science of course). 

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We had this happen to us with exactly the same vehicles as well, a Mohawk and a Pickup, there was two of us in the chopper, we went to pick it up, attached the sling straps, took off but the straps broke off, so we went back to resling it, as we hovered over it and pressed to lower the sling straps again the pickup shot straight up in the air and took out the chopper.

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