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Issues with Server since Update


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Since we updated our Vilayer server with patch there are a couple of things I've noticed:


1. Ridiculously hard to sell vehicles at the Hero camp. I know a couple have managed it, but most of us aren't able to do it. Why would this be? Any known fix?


2. Players with less than 5k humanity are unable to use any trader other than the Bandit camp and Bash. Is that intended or broken?


3. The map is wrong and no longer reflects the updated position of the traders. Are we doing something wrong?


4. Some people are able to tow vehicles and some aren't..... stumped on that one.


5. Vehicles purchased before the patch replenish their ammo upon server restart..... anyone else experienced that?


Any help gratefully received :)

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1. Try ans increse the sell distance in the init.sqf file. Check the wiki for how to.

2. Think thats how its supposed to be but not 100% sure

3 & 4. My be vilayer messed it up

5. You need to rename them in the db with dze at the end to stop the ammo

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Hey :)
There's nothing in the init.sqf file for tweaking sell distance. I'll attach the file so you can see.
I think you're right about #2 (oh well not that fussed as I'm a hero). Seen a few posts regarding it now.
As far as the map goes - apparently we need to be using the chenarus17 version. How do I find that and implement it?
Thanks for the quick response!


EDIT: Apparently I'm not permitted to upload a file!



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Nah its not in there by default thats why i said check the wiki ;) http://dayzepoch.com/wiki/index.php?title=Init.sqf


I just upload the files my self and dont worry about vilayers live update. 


can get the other trader files from here http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1595-new-version-of-chernarus-updated-v11/

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Nope - it didn't work. Uploaded the files into the correct place - but server hangs on 'waiting for host'.


So at this point it's just this map thing we can't get working. :(


Edit: Thanks guys, after putting the files in through the FTP it worked. Something to do with Vilayer CP it seems.

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