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GPRDE02 only night


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Hey guys.


I think it is really mad that the time goes only from 17 o'clock to 5 o'clock.

That is really annoying, because it is so hard to see anything in the night, some daylight would be awesome.


Maybe there could be a rule for every server.




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It is not only night. I have played on this server for a while and it just has a 24 hr cycle. Because of this, depending on where you live, your play times may put you as day or night the whole time. So far I have played pre and post .2 (pre I was day and transition to night during my play time and now it is the opposite). Im in EST timezone and around, I believe 8:00pm it transitions to day and its day for around a 10hr period when it starts transitioning to night again. I actually dont mind it. If you are not looking for a 24hr server then there are plenty of other official servers that have a split day night cycle and then a restart.

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