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Base Building help

Asian Kid


Can some one remove the plot pole requirement? I tired can do it successfully

Base Building DayZ by Daimyo

// Location placement declarations
_locationPlayer = player modeltoworld [0,0,0];
_location 		= player modeltoworld [0,0,0]; // Used for object start location and to keep track of object position throughout
_attachCoords = [0,0,0];
_dir 			= getDir player;
_building 		= nearestObject [player, "Building"];
_staticObj 		= nearestObject [player, "Static"];

// Restriction Checks
_hasEtool 		= "ItemEtool" in weapons player;
_hasToolbox 	= 	"ItemToolbox" in items player;
_onLadder 		=	(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_canDo 			= (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder); //USE!!
_isWater 		= 	(surfaceIsWater _locationPlayer) or dayz_isSwimming;
_inVehicle 		= (vehicle player != player);
_isOk = [player,_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding;
_closestTown = (nearestLocations [player,["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage","Airport"],25600]) select 0;
_town_name = text _closestTown;
_town_pos = position _closestTown;

// Booleans  Some not used, possibly use later
_roadAllowed 	= false;
_medWait 		= false;
_longWait 		= false;
_checkComplete 	= false;
_finished 		= false;
_eTool 			= false;
_toolBox 		= false;
_alreadyBuilt 	= false;
_inBuilding 	= false;
_inTown 		= false;
_inProgress 	= false;
_result 		= false;
_isSimulated 	= false;
_isDestructable = false;
_canBuildOnPlot = false;
// Strings
_classname 		= "";
_check_town		= "";

// Other
_cntLoop 		= 0;
_chosenRecipe 	= [];
_requirements 	= [];
_buildable 		= [];
_buildables		= [];
_longWloop		= 2;
_medWloop		= 1;
_smallWloop 	= 0;
_cnt 			= 0;
_playerCombat = player;

// Function to exit script without combat activate
_funcExitScript = {
	procBuild = false;
	breakOut "exit";

_isPole = (_classname == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ");

_distance = 30;
if(_isPole) then {
	_distance = 45;
// check for near plot
_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
_findNearestPole = [];
{if (alive _x) then {_findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];};} foreach _findNearestPoles;

_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);

// If item is plot pole and another one exists within 45m
if(_isPole and _IsNearPlot > 0) exitWith {  TradeInprogress = false; cutText ["Cannot build plot pole within 45m of an existing plot." , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

if(_IsNearPlot == 0) then {

	// Allow building of plot
	if(_isPole) then {
		_canBuildOnPlot = true;	
} else {
	// Since there are plots nearby we check for ownership and then for friend status

	_nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;

		// Find owner 
		_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable["CharacterID","0"];

		// diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING: %1 = %2", dayz_playerUID, _ownerID];

		// check if friendly to owner
		if(dayz_playerUID == _ownerID) then {
			// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
			if(!_isPole) then {
				_canBuildOnPlot = true;
		} else {
			// disallow building plot
			if(!_isPole) then {
				_friendlies		= player getVariable ["friendlyTo",[]];
				// check if friendly to owner
				if(_ownerID in _friendlies) then {
					_canBuildOnPlot = true;

// _message
if(!_canBuildOnPlot) exitWith {  TradeInprogress = false; cutText ["Building requires plot pole within 30m." , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

// testing new way of finding building
	_buildings = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Building"], 100];
		_isBuilding = [(vehicle player),_x] call fnc_isInsideBuilding;
		if(_isBuilding) exitWith {
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = "Cannot build inside another building.";
	} forEach _buildings;

// Do first checks to see if player can build before counting
if (procBuild) then {cutText ["Your already building!", "PLAIN DOWN"];breakOut "exit";};
if(_isWater) then {cutText [localize "str_player_26", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};
if(_onLadder) then {cutText [localize "str_player_21", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};
if (_inVehicle) then {cutText ["Can't do this in vehicle", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};
if (!placevault) then {cutText ["Can't build in a trader city", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};
closedialog 1;
// Ashfor Fix: Did player try to drop mag and keep action active (not really needed but leave here just in case)
//_item = _this;
//if (_item in (magazines player) ) then { // needs }; 
// Global variables for loop method, procBuild may not be needed if implemented in fn_selfactions.sqf
	if (dayz_combat == 1) then {
		cutText ["Your currently in combat, time reduced to 3 seconds. \nCanceling/escaping will set you back into combat", "PLAIN DOWN"];
		sleep 3;
		_playerCombat setVariable["combattimeout", 0, true];
		dayz_combat = 0;
r_interrupt = false;
r_doLoop = true;
procBuild = true;
//Global build_list reference params:
//[_qtyT, _qtyS, _qtyW, _qtyL, _qtyM, _qtyG], "Classname", [_attachCoords, _toolBox, _eTool, _medWait, _longWait, _inBuilding, _roadAllowed, _inTown];
call gear_ui_init;
// Count mags in player inventory and add to an array
_mags = magazines player;
	if ("ItemTankTrap" in _mags) then {
		_qtyT = {_x == "ItemTankTrap"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyT];
		_itemT = "ItemTankTrap";
	} else { _qtyT = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyT]; };
	if ("ItemSandbag" in _mags) then {
		_qtyS = {_x == "ItemSandbag"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyS]; 
		_itemS = "ItemSandbag";
	} else { _qtyS = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyS]; };
	if ("ItemWire" in _mags) then {
		_qtyW = {_x == "ItemWire"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyW]; 
		_itemW = "ItemWire";
		} else { _qtyW = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyW]; };
	if ("PartWoodPile" in _mags) then {
		_qtyL = {_x == "PartWoodPile"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyL]; 
		_itemL = "PartWoodPile";
	} else { _qtyL = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyL]; };
	if ("PartGeneric" in _mags) then {
		_qtyM = {_x == "PartGeneric"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyM]; 
		_itemM = "PartGeneric";
	} else { _qtyM = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyM]; };
	if ("HandGrenade_West" in _mags) then {
		_qtyG = {_x == "HandGrenade_West"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyG]; 
		_itemG = "HandGrenade_West";
	} else { _qtyG = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyG]; };
/*-- Add another item for recipe here by changing _qtyI, "Item_Classname", and add recipe into build_list.sqf array!
	Dont forget to add recipe to recipelist so your players can know how to make object via recipe
//		if ("Item_Classname" in _mags) then {
//		_qtyI = {_x == "Item_Classname"} count magazines player;
//		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyI]; 
//		_itemG = "Item_Classname";
//	} else { _qtyI = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyI]; };
// Check what object is returned from global array, then return classname
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count allbuildables) - 1) do
		_buildable = (allbuildables select _i) select _i - _i;
		_result = [_buildables,_buildable] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;
			if (_result) exitWith {
				_classname = (allbuildables select _i) select _i - _i + 1;
				_requirements = (allbuildables select _i) select _i - _i + 2;
				_chosenRecipe = _buildable;
		_buildable = [];
// Quit here if no proper recipe is acquired else set names properly
if (_classname == "") then {cutText ["You need the EXACT amount of whatever you are trying to build without extras.", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};
if (_classname == "Grave") then {_text = "Booby Trap";};
if (_classname == "Concrete_Wall_EP1") then {_text = "Gate Concrete Wall";};
if (_classname == "Infostand_2_EP1") then {_text = "Gate Panel Keypad Access";};
if (_classname != "Infostand_2_EP1" && 
	_classname != "Concrete_Wall_EP1" &&  
	_classname != "Grave") then {
//_text = _classname;
_text = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "displayName");				
_buildable = [];

//Get Requirements from build_list.sqf global array [_attachCoords, _startPos, _modDir, _toolBox, _eTool, _medWait, _longWait, _inBuilding, _roadAllowed, _inTown];
_attachCoords 	= _requirements select 0;
_startPos 		= _requirements select 1;
_modDir 		= _requirements select 2;
_toolBox 		= _requirements select 3;
_eTool 			= _requirements select 4;
_medWait 		= _requirements select 5;
_longWait 		= _requirements select 6;
_inBuilding 	= _requirements select 7;
_roadAllowed 	= _requirements select 8;
_inTown 		= _requirements select 9;
_isSimulated 	= _requirements select 12;
_isDestrutable	= _requirements select 13;
// Get _startPos for object
_location 		= player modeltoworld _startPos;

//Check Requirements
if (_toolBox) then {
	if (!_hasToolbox) then {cutText [format["You need a tool box to build %1",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript; };
if (_eTool) then {
	if (!_hasEtool) then {cutText [format["You need an entrenching tool to build %1",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript; };
if (_inBuilding) then {
	if (_isOk) then {cutText [format["%1 cannot be built inside of buildings!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript; };
if (!_roadAllowed) then { // Do another check for object being on road
	_onRoad = isOnRoad _locationPlayer;
	if(_onRoad) then {cutText [format["You cannot build %1 on the road",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;};
if (!_inTown) then {
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count allbuild_notowns) - 1) do
		_check_town = (allbuild_notowns select _i) select _i - _i;
		if (_town_name == _check_town) then {
			_townRange = (allbuild_notowns select _i) select _i - _i + 1;
			if (_locationPlayer distance _town_pos <= _townRange) then {
				cutText [format["You cannot build %1 within %2 meters of area %3",_text, _townRange, _town_name], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;

//Check if other panels nearby
_panelNearest2 = nearestObjects [player, ["Infostand_2_EP1"], 30];
if (_classname == "Infostand_2_EP1" && (count _panelNearest2 > 1)) then {cutText ["Only 2 gate panels per base in a 30 meter radius!", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};

// Begin building process
_buildCheck = false;
_buildReady = false;
player allowdamage false;
_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object setDir (getDir player);
if (_modDir > 0) then {
_object setDir (getDir player) + _modDir;
player allowdamage true;
hint "";
cutText ["-Build process started.  Move around to re-position\n-Stay still to begin build timer", "PLAIN DOWN", 10];		
while {!_buildReady} do {
	hintsilent "-Build process started.  \n-Move around to re-position\n-Stay still to begin build timer";
	_playerCombat = player;
	_isInCombat = _playerCombat getVariable["startcombattimer",0];
	_dialog = findDisplay 106;
		if ((speed player < 9 && speed player > 0) || (speed player > -7 && speed player < 0)) then {
				_object attachto [player, _attachCoords];
				_object setDir (getDir player) + _modDir;
				_inProgress = true;
		} else {
			if (_inProgress) then {
				detach _object;
				sleep 0.03;
				_location = getposATL _object;
				_dir = getDir _object;
				_object setpos [(getposATL _object select 0),(getposATL _object select 1), 0];
				_location = _object modeltoworld [0,0,0];
				deletevehicle _object;
				_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
				_object setDir _dir;
				_object setpos [(getposATL _object select 0),(getposATL _object select 1), 0];
				_cntLoop = 50;
				_inProgress = false;
					while {speed player == 0 && !_buildReady} do {
						sleep 0.1;
						if (_cntLoop <= 100 && _cntLoop % 10 == 0) then {
						cutText [format["Building of %1 starts in %2 seconds. Move to restart timer and position",_text, (_cntLoop / 10)], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
						// Cancel build if rules broken
						_isInCombat = _playerCombat getVariable["startcombattimer",0];
						_dialog = findDisplay 106;
						if ((!(isNull _dialog) || _isInCombat > 0) && (isPlayer _playerCombat) ) then {
							detach _object;
							deletevehicle _object;
							cutText [format["Build canceled for %1. Player in combat or opened gear.",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;
							if (!_roadAllowed) then { // Check object being placed on road
								_onRoad = isOnRoad getposATL(_object);
								if(_onRoad) then {cutText [format["You cannot build %1 on the road",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;};
						_cntLoop = _cntLoop - 1;
						if (_cntLoop <= 0) then {
							_buildReady = true;
							_cntLoop = 0;
		// Cancel build if rules broken
		if ((!(isNull _dialog) || (speed player > 9 || speed player < -7) || _isInCombat > 0) && (isPlayer _playerCombat) ) then {
			detach _object;
			deletevehicle _object;
			cutText [format["Build canceled for %1. Player moving too fast, in combat or opened gear.",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;
	sleep 0.03;
if (_buildReady) then {
cutText [format["Building beginning for %1.",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
} else {cutText [format["Build canceled for %1. Something went wrong!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;};
// Begin Building
//Do quick check to see if player is not playing nice after placing object
_locationPlayer = player modeltoworld [0,0,0];
_onLadder 		=	(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_canDo 			= (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder); //USE!!
_isWater 		= 	(surfaceIsWater _locationPlayer) or dayz_isSwimming;
_inVehicle 		= (vehicle player != player);
_isOk = [player,_building] call fnc_isInsideBuilding;
if (_inBuilding) then {
	if (_isOk) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["%1 cannot be built inside of buildings!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript; };
// Did player walk object into restricted town?
_closestTown = (nearestLocations [player,["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],25600]) select 0;
_town_name = text _closestTown;
_town_pos = position _closestTown;
if (!_inTown) then {
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count allbuild_notowns) - 1) do
		_check_town = (allbuild_notowns select _i) select _i - _i;
		if (_town_name == _check_town) then {
			_townRange = (allbuild_notowns select _i) select _i - _i + 1;
			if (_locationPlayer distance _town_pos <= _townRange) then {
				 deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["You cannot build %1 within %2 meters of area %3",_text, _townRange, _town_name], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;

r_interrupt = false;
r_doLoop = true;
_cntLoop = 0;
//Physically begin building 
switch (true) do
		_cnt = _longWloop;
		_cnt = _cnt * 10;
		for "_i" from 0 to _longWloop do
			cutText [format["Building %1.  %2 seconds left.\nMove from current position to cancel",_text,_cnt + 10], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
			if (player distance _locationPlayer > 1) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; call _funcExitScript;};
			if (!_canDo || _onLadder || _inVehicle || _isWater) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, player is unable to continue",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; call _funcExitScript;};
			player playActionNow "Medic";
			sleep 1;
			[player,"repair",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
			_id = [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
			//DayZ interrupt feature like when canceling bandaging
			while {r_doLoop} do {
				if (r_interrupt) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
				if (_cntLoop >= 100) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
					_finished = true;
				sleep .1;
				_cntLoop = _cntLoop + 1;
			if (r_interrupt) then {
				deletevehicle _object; 
				[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
				player playActionNow "stop";
				cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; 
				procBuild = false;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true]; 
				breakOut "exit";
			r_doLoop = true;
			_cntLoop = 0;
			_cnt = _cnt - 10;
		sleep 1.5;
		_cnt = _medWloop;
		_cnt = _cnt * 10;
		for "_i" from 0 to _medWloop do
			cutText [format["Building %1.  %2 seconds left.\nMove from current position to cancel",_text,_cnt + 10], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
			if (player distance _locationPlayer > 1) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; call _funcExitScript;};
			if (!_canDo || _onLadder || _inVehicle || _isWater) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, player is unable to continue",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; call _funcExitScript;};
			player playActionNow "Medic";
			sleep 1;
			[player,"repair",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
			_id = [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
			while {r_doLoop} do {
				if (r_interrupt) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
				if (_cntLoop >= 100) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
					_finished = true;
				sleep .1;
				_cntLoop = _cntLoop + 1;
			if (r_interrupt) then {
				deletevehicle _object; 
				[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
				player playActionNow "stop";
				cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; 
				procBuild = false;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true]; 
				breakOut "exit";
			r_doLoop = true;
			_cntLoop = 0;
			_cnt = _cnt - 10;
		sleep 1.5;
	case(!_medWait && !_longWait):
		_cnt = _smallWloop;
		_cnt = _cnt * 10;
		for "_i" from 0 to _smallWloop do
			cutText [format["Building %1.  %2 seconds left.\nMove from current position to cancel",_text,_cnt + 10], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
			if (player distance _locationPlayer > 1) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; call _funcExitScript;};
			if (!_canDo || _onLadder || _inVehicle || _isWater) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, player is unable to continue",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; call _funcExitScript;};
			player playActionNow "Medic";
			sleep 1;
			[player,"repair",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
			_id = [player,50,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
			while {r_doLoop} do {
				if (r_interrupt) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
				if (_cntLoop >= 100) then {
					r_doLoop = false;
					_finished = true;
				sleep .1;
				_cntLoop = _cntLoop + 1;
			if (r_interrupt) then {
				deletevehicle _object; 
				[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,""] call RE;
				player playActionNow "stop";
				cutText [format["Build canceled for %1, position of player moved",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1]; 
				procBuild = false;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true]; 
				breakOut "exit";
			r_doLoop = true;
			_cntLoop = 0;
			_cnt = _cnt - 10;
		sleep 1.5;
// Do last check to see if player attempted to remvoe buildables
_mags = magazines player;
_buildables = []; // reset original buildables
	if ("ItemTankTrap" in _mags) then {
		_qtyT = {_x == "ItemTankTrap"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyT]; 
	} else { _qtyT = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyT]; };
	if ("ItemSandbag" in _mags) then {
		_qtyS = {_x == "ItemSandbag"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyS]; 
	} else { _qtyS = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyS]; };
	if ("ItemWire" in _mags) then {
		_qtyW = {_x == "ItemWire"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyW]; 
		} else { _qtyW = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyW]; };
	if ("PartWoodPile" in _mags) then {
		_qtyL = {_x == "PartWoodPile"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyL]; 
	} else { _qtyL = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyL]; };
	if ("PartGeneric" in _mags) then {
		_qtyM = {_x == "PartGeneric"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyM]; 
	} else { _qtyM = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyM]; };
	if ("HandGrenade_West" in _mags) then {
		_qtyG = {_x == "HandGrenade_West"} count magazines player;
		_buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyG]; 
	} else { _qtyG = 0; _buildables set [count _buildables, _qtyG]; };
_distance = 30;
_canBuildOnPlot = false;
if(_isPole) then {
	_distance = 45;
// check for near plot
_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
_findNearestPole = [];
{if (alive _x) then {_findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];};} foreach _findNearestPoles;

_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);

// If item is plot pole and another one exists within 45m
if(_isPole and _IsNearPlot > 0) exitWith {  TradeInprogress = false; cutText ["Cannot build plot pole within 45m of an existing plot." , "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};

if(_IsNearPlot == 0) then {

	// Allow building of plot
	if(_isPole) then {
		_canBuildOnPlot = true;	
} else {
	// Since there are plots nearby we check for ownership and then for friend status

	_nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;

		// Find owner 
		_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable["CharacterID","0"];

		// diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING: %1 = %2", dayz_playerUID, _ownerID];

		// check if friendly to owner
		if(dayz_playerUID == _ownerID) then {
			// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
			if(!_isPole) then {
				_canBuildOnPlot = true;

		} else {
			// disallow building plot
			if(!_isPole) then {
				_friendlies		= player getVariable ["friendlyTo",[]];
				// check if friendly to owner
				if(_ownerID in _friendlies) then {
					_canBuildOnPlot = true;

// _message
if(!_canBuildOnPlot) exitWith {deletevehicle _object; cutText ["Abusing not allowed!" , "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];};

if (_inBuilding) then {
	if (_isOk) then {deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["Abusing not allowed!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];};
// Did player walk object into restricted town?
_closestTown = (nearestLocations [player,["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],25600]) select 0;
_town_name = text _closestTown;
_town_pos = position _closestTown;
if (!_inTown) then {
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count allbuild_notowns) - 1) do
		_check_town = (allbuild_notowns select _i) select _i - _i;
		if (_town_name == _check_town) then {
			_townRange = (allbuild_notowns select _i) select _i - _i + 1;
			if (_locationPlayer distance _town_pos <= _townRange) then {
				 deletevehicle _object; cutText [format["You cannot build %1 within %2 meters of area %3",_text, _townRange, _town_name], "PLAIN DOWN",1];call _funcExitScript;

/*/// testing new way of finding building
	_buildings = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Building"], 100];
		_isBuilding = [(vehicle player),_x] call fnc_isInsideBuilding;
		if(_isBuilding) exitWith {
			_cancel = true;
			_reason = "Cannot build inside another building.";
	} forEach _buildings;
if (!_roadAllowed) then { // Check object being placed on road
_onRoad = isOnRoad getposATL(_object);
if(_onRoad) then {deletevehicle _object;cutText [format["You cannot build %1 on the road. Abusing not allowed!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];deleteVehicle _object;call _funcExitScript;};

if(_isWater) then {cutText ["Abusing not allowed!" , "PLAIN DOWN"];deleteVehicle _object;call _funcExitScript; _playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];};
if(_onLadder) then {cutText ["Abusing not allowed!" , "PLAIN DOWN"];deleteVehicle _object;call _funcExitScript; _playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];};
if (_inVehicle) then {cutText ["Abusing not allowed!" , "PLAIN DOWN"];deleteVehicle _object;call _funcExitScript; _playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];};
//Check if other panels nearby
_panelNearest2 = nearestObjects [player, ["Infostand_2_EP1"], 30];
if (_classname == "Infostand_2_EP1" && (count _panelNearest2 > 2)) then {cutText ["Only 2 gate panels per base in a 30 meter radius! Abusing not allowed!", "PLAIN DOWN"];deleteVehicle _object;call _funcExitScript; 
				procBuild = false;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true]; 
				breakOut "exit";

// Check if it matches again
_result = [_buildables,_chosenRecipe] call BIS_fnc_areEqual;

if (_result) then {
//Build final product!
//_object setpos [((_object modeltoworld [0,0,0]) select 0),((_object modeltoworld [0,0,0]) select 1), 0];
//_location = getposATL _object;
//_dir = getDir _object;
	//Finish last requirement checks, _isSimulated disables objects physics if specified, _isDestructable checks if object needs to be invincible
	if (!_isSimulated) then {
		_object enablesimulation false;
	if (!_isDestructable) then {
		_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
// set the codes for gate
	/* Old Method
	_uidDir = _dir;
	_uidDir = round(_uidDir);
	_p1 = round(_location select 0);
	_p2 = round(_location select 1);
	//_p3 = round(_location select 2);
	_uid = format["%1,%2,%3",_p1,_p2,_uidDir];
	// New Method
	_uidDir = _dir;
	_uidDir = round(_uidDir);
	_uid = "";
		_x = _x * 10;
		if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };
		_uid = _uid + str(round(_x));
	} forEach _location;
	_uid = _uid + str(round(_dir));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------kikyou2 Random Keycode Start---------------------------------------------------------------------
	_coder = random(9999); //generating random number between 0-9999
	if (_coder < 1000) then { //checks whether the number is < 1000
	_coder = _coder + 1000; //adds 1000 to the number if its < 1000 to make sure that the code will be 4 digits long
	_code = round _coder; //remove all digits after comma
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------kikyou2 Random Keycode End-----------------------------------------------------------------------	

	switch (_classname) do
		case "Grave":
			cutText [format["You have constructed a %1, crawl away so you dont set it off!",_text], "PLAIN DOWN",1];
			_object setVariable ["isBomb", true];
		case "Infostand_2_EP1":
			cutText [format["You have constructed a %1, REMEMBER THIS PERMANENT KEYCODE: %2 .  Make sure to build 2 (one in/one out) Key Panels as soon as possible to get both codes!",_text,_code], "PLAIN DOWN",60]; //Changed _uid to _code to show the right keycode
		default {
			cutText [format["You have constructed a %1\n .",_text,_code], "PLAIN DOWN",60]; //Changed _uid to _code to show the right keycode
			//cutText [format[localize "str_build_01",_text], "PLAIN DOWN"];
	//Remove required magazines
	if (_qtyT > 0) then {
		for "_i" from 0 to _qtyT do
			player removeMagazine _itemT;
	if (_qtyS > 0) then {
		for "_i" from 0 to _qtyS do
			player removeMagazine _itemS;
	if (_qtyW > 0) then {
		for "_i" from 0 to _qtyW do
			player removeMagazine _itemW;
	if (_qtyL > 0) then {
		for "_i" from 0 to _qtyL do
			player removeMagazine _itemL;
	if (_qtyM > 0) then {
		for "_i" from 0 to _qtyM do
			player removeMagazine _itemM;
	//Grenade only is needed when building booby trap
	if (_qtyG > 0 && _classname == "Grave") then {
		for "_i" from 0 to _qtyG do
			player removeMagazine _itemG;

// Send to database
_fuel = _code / 1000; //added to calculate valid fuel value for the database
_object setVariable ["characterID",dayz_playerUID,true];
dayzPublishObj2 = [dayz_playerUID,_object,[_dir,_location],_classname,_fuel,_code]; //added _code to pass to the publishObj function to prevent calculation errors
publicVariableServer "dayzPublishObj2";
	if (isServer) then {
		dayzPublishObj2 call server_publishObj2;

} else {cutText ["You need the EXACT amount of whatever you are trying to build without extras.", "PLAIN DOWN"];call _funcExitScript;};

player allowdamage true;
procBuild = false;_playerCombat setVariable["startcombattimer", 1, true];


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