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Stamina recovery curve


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Just a suggestion but I reckon their should be a curved rate of stamina recovery so that as your stamina reaches higher levels you don't have to wait about for ages while it recovers. Maybe an slight increase in regeneration rate every 100 points or so.


edit for clarity - the increase in regeneration would be when you've recovered to a 100 point step the next 100 would be a little quicker not a flat faster recovery rate for higher stamina characters. Hope that makes sense, it does in my head  :unsure:

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so the more stamina you have the faster it recovers? sounds a bit weird in my opinion just make it easyer for people who have been alive longer to outflank and outrun anyone


No, a player that's been alive 1 hour (100 stamina points) recovers to 100 stamina in the exact same time as a player that's been alive for 10 hours. What I was suggesting is that each block of 100 stamina points takes slightly less than the 100 points before it. So 100 stamina take 60 seconds, 100 -> 200 takes 115 seconds, 200 -> 300 takes 165 seconds (these are just numbers for illustration)


I just found that the longer my character was alive the more time i spent 'playing' epoch by surfing the net or making a cup of coffee, hell if my guy had lasted a couple of hours longer I could have squeezed in a tv show while he's lyng in a bush recovering. It's the best implementation of stamina i've seen in a mod, I like that it adds value to characters over time but just think the recovery time can get a little excessive for longer lived characters.

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Aye maybe, it was just something that occurred to me when I was surfing the net waiting for my character to recover, didn't have a surplus of drink on me at the time. Thought I'd fire it on here as a suggestion for consideration. I really like the mechanic just not enamoured at the idea of spending 10-20-30 mins staring at the back of my characters head.

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