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SafeBox, Keykit and GarageDoor ?


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Hey there,


Even if Epoch mod is in early Alpha, I enjoy it a lot and I've huge hope for the future of this mode.

There are things that I don't know if it's broken or if I just don't know how to use it. For example I've a Safebox, big and black, but I don't know how to place it (tried several things).

Same for keykit, what's the purpose of keys and how to craft these ?

And I'm wondering how to make a garage door (Door into Cinderwall?)...

Also, wat do I need to paint my metal wall (and what about a lamp post?)


I'll post my base soon, it will look awesome P:


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They lockboxes are currently broken, so even if you do place it you probably won't be able to access it and it could delete after a restart or a multitude of other problems could occur. So I would wait until an update that fixes the lockboxes before you put it down.


I have never heard of a key kit. Right now, there is no way to lock vehicles, storage, or door in the Arma 3 Epoch mod and there are now keys, but there was a keymaster kit and keys in the Arma 2 Epoch mod, so you might be thinking of that...


I think when you have cinder blocks and mortar you would be able to craft a garage door. You might have to upgrade an existing wall by pressing "i" when looking at it. I know my base has a cinder garage, but I am not sure how it was built. There are several other forums posts and YouTube videos that are building tutorials and they probably have instructions on how to make a cinder garage door.


You cannot paint walls and I don't think you can make lamp posts yet. But you could make lamp posts in the Arma 2 version of the mod.


You seem to think that Arma 3 Epoch has all of the same things as Arma 2 Epoch does, but many of the features that are in the Arma 2 version are not in the Arma 3 version currently.

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but isn't there a way to close something with just building walls? if you have to go inside, you'll just grab the wall and move it? and the jammer should allowed you and your group members to do that.


but the jammer does not seems to work on group level right now :/

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