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Torndeco Mission System - DZAI AI


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23:36:10 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_vehicle_fix_epoch.sqf, line 23

23:36:49 Error in expression <ehicleCounter,_type];};[_object] call SAR_AI_VEH_FIX;};PVDZE_serverObjectM>
23:36:49   Error position: <SAR_AI_VEH_FIX;};PVDZE_serverObjectM>
23:36:49   Error Undefined variable in expression: sar_ai_veh_fix
23:36:49 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 274
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Edit your server_monitor.sqf


                     [_object] call SAR_AI_VEH_FIX;


                    if !(isNil "SAR_AI_VEH_EPOCH_FIX") then {
                        if (SAR_AI_VEH_EPOCH_FIX) then {
                            [_object] call SAR_AI_VEH_FIX;

Edit your mission.pbo init.sqt


SAR_AI_VEH_FIX = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\SARGE\SAR_vehicle_fix_epoch.sqf";


SAR_AI_VEH_FIX = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\SARGE\SAR_vehicle_fix_epoch.sqf";


Everyone else, its fixed on Github & Instructions are updated...

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 8:56:43 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\addons\SARGE\SAR_functions.sqf, line 76

 8:56:44 Error in expression < 1;_areadir = (markerDir _area_name) * -1;_cosdir=cos(_areadir);_sindir=s>
 8:56:44   Error position: <* -1;_cosdir=cos(_areadir);_sindir=s>
 8:56:44   Error *: Type Array, expected Number
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Having issues trying to repack your files into pbo :(
Found one thing... If u want to test + see if it fixes your issue


Remove the lines

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\UPSMON\scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";

[] execVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";

From your dayz_mission/init.sqf

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Yes they will.


I have those lines in the file



I did it to make easier to install the missions for admins, and need to add less lines to your mpmission/init.sqf

Sorry about the confusion.

Give me a shout if it solves your error...


My pbo tool seems to mess up when tryin to package your server files :/

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Very nice script, I love this on my server, but how can i edit the ai spawning at the missions?


Where do I lower the number of soldier/ sniper, number of ai per group and respawn time? 


Also how do i change so no heli ai spawn at mission, i want all ground bandits?


I had one instance on my server where a player was in his house and then all of a sudden there was tons on gun fire. There was a mission 100m away and 3 or 5 groups of 6 ai. There was also no map marker.


I have seen the lines i think i need to edit, but thought i would ask so i don't mess anything up.

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Another Update


Updated for Epoch 1.0.3 https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions

Important this will only work for Epoch 1.0.3, due to changes in loot tables for new epoch.


For previous version of epoch check out https://github.com/Torndeco/Epoch-Missions/releases




Removed some old code not used anymore.

Started more work on modularizing the mission spawning, should be slightly easier for people to tweak the code now.


SARGE map_config got moved serverside to  dayz_server/addons/SARGE   (should help to reduce mission size)



Players will now get mission map markers when they connect or repawn.



Note the Hunter AI + Crash Site Mission code isn't used yet, i was just working on it when new epoch version was released.

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Help.  I can't seem to get this to work.


I had it working under the pregvious version. Updated the server to 1.0.3 last night.  Reverted back to a fresh install, chernarus map (HFB Server hosting). I got sarge AI to work fine.  Logged in and had AI roaming all around.


I downloaded your latest 1.0.3 patch form github and followed the instructions there to the letter.  Now when i log in I am seeing the debug monitor that goes with this (like i used to when it worked on the previous version) but i cannot find any AI anywhere nor do i seem to get any popups about missions.


I'm not sure how to troubleshoot from here.

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hey there,

i have two questions:



in the Install Instructions is writen:

Step 4

To enable the F10 button for debug monitor There is a custom dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf in extras/debug_monitor Edit your custom compiles.sqf Look for


but where is this file? i have searched for it but i can't find this line or file!? can you help me




i have seen there is an optional vehicle ammo file,  whats that and how can i install it`?

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When u say u got SARGE working & then followed the instructions to the letter

Did u u remove the Sarge lines from init.sqf ? 


Already have a SARGE packaged with the mission sytem, that is customized abit, and is called from addons/Mission/init.sqf


Otherwise send me your pbo's + pastebin of your errors in server rpt logs



I have updated the instructions the debug monitor , should be more clear + easier now



Adds a single clip of ammo to each of epoch new empty vehicle classes.

I did this as i like to have some ammo in vehicles after a restart + still have no radar for the vehicle aswell.


I haven't updated the instructions but u can look @ old ones @ http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3555-adding-ammo-to-dze-vehicles-startup-traders/


@Everyone else

New Update on Github...

Fixed issue with some epoch vehicles spawning with loot loadouts

i.e A ural was spawning with rpg ammo + gp nades etc based on arma class config for the vehicle

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Yes that is what i meant by following the instructions to the letter, including the preinstall ones of removing the sarge lines from the init file.


The full steps were:

1. starting with a fresh installed server I installed just your missions following the instructions.  I then logged in and did no see any random AI.  After 30-45min i also saw no indication of missions starting.

2. I then went back to the fresh PBO and installed Sarge.  Logged in and saw AI spawns.

3. Followed the instructions to install the missions on top of the sarge install, including removing the sarge commands from the init file.  Same issue as before.

4. reverted back to the working sarge PBO and posted here.

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How do I setup my time till restart? Everytime I try things go terribly wrong! I need them set for every 4 hours!

while {true} do {
	_rtime = round(21600 - serverTime);
	if ((_rtime < 235) && (!_warning)) then {
		_warning = true;
		cutText [(localize "STR_custom_5minRestart"),"PLAIN"];

	if (debugMonitor) then {
		_hours = (_rtime/4/16);
		_hours = toArray (str _hours);
		_hours resize 1;
		_hours = toString _hours;
		_hours = compile _hours;
		_hours = call _hours;
		_minutes = round(_rtime/60);
		_minutes2 = _minutes - (_hours*100);
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Debug montior time is in seconds i.e

21660 seconds / 60 =  360 mins 

360 mins / 60 = 6 hours



Edit your missionmp/init.sqf

change dayz_spaceInterrupt to

dayz_spaceInterrupt =           compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "extras\debug_monitor\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";


Typo mistake + fixed now on github now..

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