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Need help with BE Filters




My servers been up and running fine for a while. I recently added a bunch of new weapons, ammo, vehicles etc. to the database. These all appear on the trader list, but whenever someone clicks to buy them, they get kicked by battleye with the message Public Variable restriction #77.

In the logs it shows this: Value Restriction #77 "PVDZE_obj_Trade"

I've added the items/weapons as exceptions in the addweaponcargo.txt, addmagazinecargo.txt, createvehicle.txt which never seemed to work. I tried updating the associated line in publicvariableval.txt to 1 which would, instead of kicking, allow the trade animation to finish but not actually give the weapon and then get stuck in the trade where if you went to any other trader it would state that it was still in another trade and you would have to relog to fix it.

If anyone could help me unban various weapons and items from BE it would be greatly appreciated.


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