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Building materials are scarce! Please fix!!!

SOT Envee

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I can't find any Buckets of Mortar or Small Salvaged Metal to save my life. I usually run with a group and we are having a really hard time. Not sure if it's easier to lower the requirements or just make them more available, either way I think something should be done. I don't think it should be this difficult to build. Not to mention the upkeep on it every 3-6 days, nearly impossible for someone who plays regularly.

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i have to say after playing solo and sometimes witha group i think its fine.... we dont need loads of random bases people build after playing on a server for about 3 days then maybe never coming back, i have noticed quite a few ghost bases like that

Without base building the end game is nothing different to DayZ really which will just end up with a deathmatch game mode. I love looting and I'm someone a PvE player, I've had several 10+ hour characters and never found enough scrap metal to make more then 2 walls, I get bored of looting eventually though once I'm fully kitted out then I want to build a base to store more stuff in but it's next to impossible to do that especially when solo. 


My suggestion is allow wood wall upgrades but have them weak as fuck, and possible able to shoot through them. It worked pretty well in DayZ epoch i believe why not use it here?

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Hatchets and swings are a lot more common than salvage metal/mortar/cinder blocks. I think the devs need to increase the spawn rate of those items. I have been in the A3 editor and there is a model for wooden walls, but I guess the devs have not implemented it into the game yet.

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