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Grouping Bug Vertgaming Aus


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My group and I think we found a work around for this. 


1. Make sure you are playing on an official server. (groups don't seem to work at all on the unofficial servers so I hear.) 


2. Disband the group. 


3.Wait for the server to restart. (you don't always have to do this part) 


4. Remake the group. (make sure everyone is when in 10 meters of the group founder)


5.Use a small group name (we used four letters)


6.Use all lowercase letters.


We have used this method on three official servers and can get our group up and running every time. Even when we get the NULL group name


This is an SQL database that the mod uses. SQL is funny about what gets put in the tables. So use a small name and use all lowercase letters.


Also sometimes the last person that joins the group has to log out to the server and back in to show in the group.


Also sometime the person who is the founder ( person who started the group with the 100 dollars) of the group has to logout and back in for the name to show properly.


Welcome to SQL databases. 

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