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Battleye - Exception for specific script only





I am using admintools and if I spawn an item crate I get kicked by battleye. So far so good as it's set that s.o. gets kicked for creating a vehicle 'box'.



1 "" !="WeaponHolder" !="TinCan" !="Rabbit" !="Goat01_EP1" !="Goat02_EP1" !="Goat" !="WildBoar" !="Sheep" !="Sheep02_EP$
1 "SeaGull"
5 "box" !="DebugBoxPlayer_DZ" !="MedBox0" !="AmmoBoxSmall_556" !="AmmoBoxSmall_762" !="ItemMatchbox" !="ItemToolbox" !=$
5 "Mine"


The createvehicles.log:

04.10.2014 04:17:28: [666] jahan ( - - #2 "USOrdnanceBox" 3:112 [8918,16172,31]


I want: not to get kicket if the box USOrdnanceBox is created from the admintools script file admintools\crates\items.sqf


What I don't want:

- switch 5 (kick) to 1 (log) in front of the line (#2)

- make an exception at the end of the line for USOrdnanceBox, like !="USOrdnanceBox" (as then everybody, as I understand it, can spawn such a thing.


I want not to be kicked if the command to create this vehicle was called from the file/script mentioned above only. In all other cases the player should get kicked.


In the script file:

_classname = "USOrdnanceBox";

// Location of player and crate
_dir = getdir player;
_pos = getposATL player;
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];
_spawnCrate = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];


What I read in forums etc. was to make an exception for the line of code which actually spawns this vehicle...so I tried to add this at the end of the createvehiclex.txt line:


!"_spawnCrate = createVehicle \[_classname"

and also this:

!"_spawnCrate = createVehicle \[\"USOrdnanceBox\""


Also don't know if the syntax is !="xyz" or just !"xyz". And do I need to put the FULL line of code here? Don't think so...it just parses for the text which is here...if it matches, the execption should work?


Everything I tried here did not work. Anyone an idea how this is done the right way?




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Ok thanks for the answer. Will try that as soon as I can. In my opinion these things are not documented properly or I did not find these stuff after searching and reading for very long. There are a lot of forum posts and 90% of all tell you to change a "5" to a "1".


Do you have a link to a full documentation of these kind of things?



Hm that did not work. In the log I get this:

14:37:34 Player [666] jahan kicked off by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #2
14:37:34 "get: STRING (76561197980730579), sent: STRING (76561197980730579)"


I've entered your line from above behind line 3 in createvehicle.txt (the line which kicks for creating boxes).

So but _classname will get replaced so as in your line this needs to be set to the actual vehicle to spawn?

I guess the place to enter this is createvehicle.txt? Or is it in scripts.txt?


I've read somewhere that it should alsp be possible to allow things for a complete script. Say for admintools\crates\items.sqf.


Dou you know an exception for that?

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Yes, that's how I did it now. I thought maybe it is possible to allow the creation of "USOrdnanceBox" but just if the command to create it is called from within the script admintools/crates/items.sqf. If called from any other script --> kick.


But it seems that this is not possible. But anyways...thanks for the help!

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