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Ammo boxes vanishing with new epoch... ReammoBox cleanup?


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Hey guys,


We have an AI stronghold at Devils Castle, with some nice loot for those brave enough to take on the AI...


Unfortunately since the new update, the ammo boxes (apparently randomly!) vanish...


I'm 'pretty' sure it's relating to this cleanup script:


if (_noPlayerNear) then
_nearObj = nearestObjects [_objectPos,["ReammoBox","WeaponHolder","WeaponHolderBase"],((sizeOf (typeOf _x)) + 5)];
deleteVehicle _x;
_deletedLoot = _deletedLoot + 1;
} forEach _nearObj;
_x setVariable ["looted",-0.1,true];


Does anyone think that's right?


If it is, and if the code serves a function (I'm sure it does!), then would the best thing to do, be to assign the boxes I spawn at deviles with a variable, and then except them from the above if {} statement, in a similar way that Sarge AI and DZAI do?


Thanks in advance for ya help!



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                    if (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) then {
                        deleteVehicle _x;
                        _deletedLoot = _deletedLoot + 1;

Need to add variable to the crate i.e


_crate1 setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];


To remove the variable so crate despawns later during server cleanup


_crate1 setVariable ["Sarge",nil];

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Great, thanks :D



                    if (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) then {
                        deleteVehicle _x;
                        _deletedLoot = _deletedLoot + 1;

Need to add variable to the crate i.e


_crate1 setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];


To remove the variable so crate despawns later during server cleanup


_crate1 setVariable ["Sarge",nil];


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