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Hi all having some trouble using the AIMissions from the sticky at the top of forum, I've done as instructed but it loads into debug with the character being invisible, Below I've linked the files your suppose to edit on pastebin as there a tad big!


server_cleanup.fsm - http://pastebin.com/MtJ6p9BJ (Line 298)

server_updateObject.sqf - http://pastebin.com/adAGhddd (Line 29)

server_functions.sqf - http://pastebin.com/dcm7gwDL (Line 30)


Placed missions folder into Dayz_server /root/

Placed faction.sqf + debug folder in Dayz_Epoch_11.Chernarus /root/


Added [] execVM "faction.sqf"; to mission.pbo (init.sqf)


Also Don't have SargeAI installed


if anyone could help or shed some light on what I've done wrong would really appreciate it



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If you check the creators git hub I posted a fix that had caused massive lag and dysnc when using these missions. Basically when a mission is spawned, and the timer elapses to spawn a new mission, it constantly loops attempting to spawn said mission, and if a player clears the current mission the new one will spawn immediately. The time calculation loop was screwing up time sync and would drop server FPS from 50 to 4 with 1 player in the server. The work around outlines how to add missions using Epoch's event scheduler, and being inspired by Maca's post in another thread, I went after it and figured out and posted the how to on their git hub. If I can find the link I'll post it here, but this was more than a month ago so I no longer have it in my browser history. Some googling about should find the creators info.

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If you check the creators git hub I posted a fix that had caused massive lag and dysnc when using these missions. Basically when a mission is spawned, and the timer elapses to spawn a new mission, it constantly loops attempting to spawn said mission, and if a player clears the current mission the new one will spawn immediately. The time calculation loop was screwing up time sync and would drop server FPS from 50 to 4 with 1 player in the server. The work around outlines how to add missions using Epoch's event scheduler, and being inspired by Maca's post in another thread, I went after it and figured out and posted the how to on their git hub. If I can find the link I'll post it here, but this was more than a month ago so I no longer have it in my browser history. Some googling about should find the creators info.


Might be a good idea to try and find this and help ppl out as it seems to be something ppl should know!

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