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Is there a way to make vehicles wreck in a more realistic way ?


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am i the only one who thinks that the current mechanics where car crashes ALWAYS result in an explosion and ALWAYS destroy the entire vehicle and all of it's cargo is the most rediculous and unrealistic thing ever. This makes no sense on any level. Cars dont explode from collisions as frequently as people would think. They do ocasionally catch fire if there is a spark to set off leaking fuel but they never "blow up" naturally. this is an invention of hollywood for dramatic effects in movies but is rather detrimental to gameplay.


i know it is possible to have a vehicle with 100% damage ingame that doesent explode because i find these laying around ocasionally. the simple fact remains that this exploding vehicle mechanic that is triggered if any one of the "critical componants" reaches 100% causes unacceptable loss of inventory as well as prevents players from salvaging or repairing a 100% damaged componant.


it is one thing to have a vehicle blow up or burst into flames if it is hit by heavy ordanance like a tank round or a grenade however critical damage to an engine from hitting a tree doesent make it blow up. wrecked vehicles should remain in a repairable state with their inventory intact unless the damage that incapacitated the vehicles was something that could logically destroy it like a grenade


get rid of the exploding vehicles it violates realism and is overly destructive. or at the very least have the vehicles inventory dropped around it destroying a random number of items.

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