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One dog, one bite = death


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Same here.  This has happened to me at least 3 times, and I've been killed by a dog at least 5 or 6 times just today, usually as a new-spawn...


Welcome to DogZ.


1) Damage from dogs too high.

2) It would be very helpful if dogs made a snarling noise or at least give some kind of indication if they're trying to attack you... otherwise it's, "eff that dog, I don't care if it's trying to be nice or not, last time I died instantly."

3) I think this would be an appropriate time for your player to yell and cuss, while he's/she's being attacked.  You know, like in Arma 2 DayZ Epoch when your guy would pass out from carrying too many cinder blocks... only maybe not quite so loud so that people 2km away can here you.  I know, Arma 3, but maybe something for the future.


PS:  I'm just teasing with the whole DogZ thing, it just fits so well. =P

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Thanks for the reply, Cringo. 


I completely agree in your suggestion. If the dog had jumped up and attacked my upper quarter area then I would kind of accepted it, but even then I'd expect time to fight it off. But to die from a bite to the ankle is a bit (no pun intended) lame.  

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OH, I forgot to mention that they're killing people at traders.  Not sure how hard it would be to maybe despawn dogs around.. er well that wouldn't work with those who have tamed dogs... unless dogs that are tamed receive a different identifier or change their class name or something.  ugh

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I had a dog buddy following me, 30min later while i was laying down in the gear menu he silently walked up and one hit me. Little asshole, needless to say I now KOS any dog, and now it seems every dog in Altis spawns and chases me, same with the rest of my crew. 3 of us had 6 dogs in a 500m area along with a cultist who refused to attack or stop making smoldering sounds, the first UAV I've seen at night, and round after round of disoriented sappers wandering around blowing up randomly and spamming our chats with A:##:##. I kinda like the random bugs tho, get to see how the mod progresses. Last night was a little too crazy tho hahaha

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Also should dogs be able to injure and kill players on first floor of building whilst they are on the ground?

Died a couple of times to that and 'escaped' with just broken legs a couple of times after realizing i was being bitten through the floor and shot the offending animal.

Yeah, this has happened to me twice as well.  I was on the balcony of a building and I just fell over dead.  It looked like I got stuck in the door jam at first, like it was some kind of glitch.  Ran back to my body and saw there was a dog downstairs in building.  It wasn't moving, so I went upstairs to my body and I fell over dead again.

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Yeah, this has happened to me twice as well.  I was on the balcony of a building and I just fell over dead.  It looked like I got stuck in the door jam at first, like it was some kind of glitch.  Ran back to my body and saw there was a dog downstairs in building.  It wasn't moving, so I went upstairs to my body and I fell over dead again.

Glad it is not just me...

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The problems with the dogs has been greatly reduced.  I have only been killed twice by the dog since the last release.  I have tried to befriend them several times and several members our or group refuse to shoot them for other memebers.  Don't want the whole pack on thier ass I guess.   Prior to the update I was killed a couple of times by dogs glitching through floors and walls.  Lost 1000 K because of it one time.  Dog glitched through wall at trader and killed me.  When I got back to my body, I recovered everything except the cash.   Now I only shoot dogs that are barking at me, hate to do it since I have 4 dogs IRL.  But when I am sneaking up on someone, I don't want the dog to give away my position.    


Snakes on the other hand are hard to detect period.  Can we add a rattle snake sound effect or louder hissing?   How about adding a cat?  This way we can have the cat attack the dogs and snakes.  Of course the player would have to seduce the kitty with sardines.  


hear me MEOW  cough cough ROAR!

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The problems with the dogs has been greatly reduced.  I have only been killed twice by the dog since the last release.  I have tried to befriend them several times and several members our or group refuse to shoot them for other memebers.  Don't want the whole pack on thier ass I guess.   Prior to the update I was killed a couple of times by dogs glitching through floors and walls.  Lost 1000 K because of it one time.  Dog glitched through wall at trader and killed me.  When I got back to my body, I recovered everything except the cash.   Now I only shoot dogs that are barking at me, hate to do it since I have 4 dogs IRL.  But when I am sneaking up on someone, I don't want the dog to give away my position.    


Snakes on the other hand are hard to detect period.  Can we add a rattle snake sound effect or louder hissing?   How about adding a cat?  This way we can have the cat attack the dogs and snakes.  Of course the player would have to seduce the kitty with sardines.  


hear me MEOW  cough cough ROAR!

What, like a house cat?  lol F that, tigers.

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