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repaired exploding vehicles on stratis


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The other night we were rolling around and come across a broken little bird. We proceed to fix it up using the repair kit (not multi gun). Everything looked good. However soon as we got in it exploded. Then after the fire stopped we went to get our gear and died from fire that was not there. On one of our runs back we got there. All our stuff was gone along with our hunter. For some reason we were taking fire damage but the crew that came in did not. We know they got our gear because we killed them not to far from there and got our stuff back. So to sum it up the bug is repaired chopper exploded and invisible fire that would damage us but not someone else.

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there are epoch servers running stratis? Oo didn't know that...


and invisible fire isn't an epoch bug, it's caused by arma. our littlebird got blown up by someone while refueling on a gasstation and the invisible fire killed us again when we returned.

i guess there is nothing that can be done about it except reporting it to the arma bug tracker...

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