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Chopping trees with the new system counts as entering combat ??


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I like the way tree cutting is more convienant and natural simply hitting the tree with an axe is easier and intuitive, However, there is a major issue in that chopping trees is counted as entering combat!!


additionally, I think the whole mechanic of preventing a player from starting crafting / construction because of a flashing combat icon is really bad mechanics. A player CAN realistically craft durring ""combat"" however doing so would be at their own risk. swinging a hatchet is not "combat" hearing a gunshot in the distance is not "combat" a zombie looking at you funny is not "combat". shooting said zombie in the head IS "combat" however doing that would only interrupt the single action you are currently performing. killing a zombie or a bandit that is annoying you is a quick thing with the exception of a hoard but would not force a player to twidle their thumbs for a minute or two waiting for a flashing icon to stop before resuming their tasks they would look around quickly see that noone is there and start crafting again regardless of wether or not an arbitrary force belives they are in "combat"


in general i think that you should not interrupt or disable crafting unless the player actually takes damage or fires a shot and inflicts direct damage. and once interrupted they should not be prevented from restarting the crafting because of the lingering combat icon in fact it should be very simple to change the interruption trigger from enter combat to when they fire or are damaged.


Even if there is a firefight nearby you can technically keep crafting but you are at a greater risk of getting shot. I simply do not think it is the games right or place to tell players that they cant do something because it thinks they are in "combat". if you act stupid and do stuff durring combat YOU DIE fair and simple but the game doesent need to enforce common sense in fact it shouldn't

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was the same in the a2 mod.

using chainsaw or hatchet counted as entering combat, you're using a weapon. so it makes sense that the game would recognise this as being in combat. 


the placeholder "swing" item you get is effectively ammunition for your hatchet, the game just sees this as using a gun


i mean there could maybe be some sort of if statement thrown in... 


if (player getweapon == itemhatchet_dze) then {

startcombattimer = false; 

} else { blah blah blah};


^ obviously not real code, but this is kinda what i mean


i get where you're coming from, but no matter how i look at it, i just see another potential exploit for combat loggers opening up. 

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but that doesent address the larger issue of not being able to start actions durring combat which is a 100% unrealistic arbitrary restriction with no legitimate purpose.


@js2k6 i dont see how allowing players to craft durring combat will effect combat logging in any way shape or form that is a completely different issue

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