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Helicopters... good?


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First I want to say, GREAT WORK on the mod, and keep it up. I want to pose a question and humbly request that people do not instantly flame the idea just because its different. 


I think you should remove helicopters.


1. Helicopters make the game far too easy for squads. They have the man power and the resources to quickly repair choppers and get them into the air. 


2. This map does not have adequate vehicle hiding spots from the air. Today I was able to find a helicopter. Once in the air I found 4 other vehicles and 1 chopper in less then an hour. Its not even hard, just fly the coast line and find vehicles.... 


3. Nothing about flying around in a fully repaired helicopter adds to the "Survival" part of this game. There is no way that in a post apocalyptic environment some random Joe is going to have the knowledge to fix a helicopter and pilot the thing around. 


There are many more reasons as i'm sure you've all had this thought in the past and have thought about it too. Removing the heli's from the game would really add to the base building and resource collection aspects of the game as you may actually find a good hiding spot that would be left alone for more then a few hours before someone flies of the top with a heli and spots your base. I'm hoping that when you release the server files I can start a server without them, but for now I want to just pose the question, "What are they adding to your game?"

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I think a good medium, as I agree with your points, would be to have all vehicles with inherent damage. Choppers that maybe fly slightly to the left or right, or have fuel issues where they burn through fuel like crazy. So even though you are flying around, you still have these risks. You still have to worry that someone may shoot you down with a rifle, as your chopper is already damaged slightly.



You still have risks even being in a squad in control of a chopper. It can crash. You bring a lot of attention to yourself when flying as well. And if you and your squad land in a city and someone sees, you can always bet money they will be wanting to take it or take your squad out.


It can make for interesting conflicts, when the fight is over a vehicle. That aspect sounds pretty apocalyptic to me.

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1. i think this game is most fun played in squads.. you should try it.


2. why hide in a vehicle from air? they have to be more scared of you than you are of them.. once cars are lockable nobody scout/steals them


3. in the year 2035 all clones know how to fly and repair such simple machines :P also fun>logic


i dont see how taking out helis ADDS to base building. there is no need to build a base if nobody finds your base anyway.


vehicles and the avalilability to get them is one point that made dayz epoch so great. how nice it was to save for a helicopter and finally compete with the big names on the server.

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Plz don't remove anything but the zombies!

Not flaming your idea OP just stating my opinions!

I think the devs would have thought about what to keep and what to what to give the boot already on something this level...I would hope so anyway regarding something as prominent as air vehicles.. Something like removing air vehicles completely would be a bit atrocious IMO for anyone who plans to run an A3 server once it is released that previously had played A2 Epoch / Overpoch, I have heard in some streams that they are considering support for the community. I highly highly doubt they will keep A3 under lock and key once it is finished and I again see issues being raised for people who are in fact comfortable with the idea air vehicles will be a part of this mod.

Aside from the modders/server owners I also see a bit of a plot pole ...*cough* I mean plot hole. The back story takes place in the future with a close resemblance to the tech around you. Most of it seems pretty current with the times, the cars, a lot of guns, flying drones, a lot of the buildings around the air base....Pretty sure they want to add a jet-pack that lets you hover around.

My point is this would create a divide in the game, not only for players/future server owners. I think it also creates a divide in the story so to speak. "soo its 2045 and drones rule the sky, an emp touched off that destroyed every working copter in the world.  The military then turned to arming the skies with drones?" Even looking past this point, I personally have always seen Dayz as a process. At the end of this process I have always equated an air vehicle be it armed or not, be it a plane, jet or helicopter. I feel like once this point has been reached you are at the top of your game. Then again I have spent quite some time repairing helos in A2 to only have someone shoot me down 3 min later...It's good times either way!

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For me, the main objective in Epoch is to grow stronger than your enemies, and helis are an advantage you'll have if you are strong enough, and also a signal of power. We all have been poor survivors once (me, most of the time) and have shit ourselves at the sound of a heli/armored vehicle aproaching.


Taking helis out would take an interesting part of Epoch out.

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