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LF experienced, helpful and friendly admin willing to help me set up - trading 100USD bills for your expertise!



First of all, am I allowed to make an actual listing here for hiring a professional network admin or any helpful, capable and experienced enthusiast that could help me/us set up the server of our dreams? <3



Our community is small and consist of a couple 30ish year old guys, and while some of us probably could take a swing at setting up the server and actually hit, the opportunity costs just don't make sense. Most of us love to learn, but busy worklifes atm, makes it hard to keep up. Can we hire some awesome arma server and mod ninja that could help me set up our two brand new boxes that currently sit on a 250/25mbit very stable line (not fibre, however excellent stability, also this is very temporary). We are moving these boxes to 2200/2200 dedicated fibre during next week though. We are also looking to build the ultimate machine for one, single arma overpoch server and its variations. We have, i think and hope.. :S, a very good budget for trying to roof performance for a single arma2oa session. Is it possible? Or would one perhaps reach it at an even lower budget already?


Several instances could be useful at some point, but priority and mission for us right now is to get one, single arma game server, together with machine located in Stockholm, to become a specialized beast for arma server hosting, to try and optimize for running one single server, We have a budget of 6-10k euro for this build, and expect to see it ready in max. 2 months. The substantial range of our budget is due to possible freebies (apparently state of the art, monster pcie ssds coming our way! :D yummy!)


Any advice or direct links to pcpartpicker would be much appreciated by every single member of our small, close-knit, may I dare say "veteran", community.


Albeit, to the question at hand! If I am allowed to buy other member's services in this forum, I would appreciate if any friendly, helpful and capable person PMd me or preferably added d4nconia1 to skype for a friendly initial hello. I have a budget of 100-200 dollars for this and the task revolves around getting an overpoch taviana server (and perhaps a couple of different variations of Overpoch, i.e. added features, modifications, maps, AI, craftables etc. going on the other machine..?). In either linux or 2012 R2 environment, with one machine being on windows data center license, and the other is an ubuntu 14.04 lts. 


Is anyone up for the job?? This game just became so damn good over the past months! Everybody is coming back! Let's just try to do something smart about anti script/hack as well, that is the only negative thing one truly can say about the game. I just hate the feeling of suspecting randoms that just rambo:es in on you, shooting like madmen.

;) You, Epoch guys! You can do anything.. <3






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im up for it, i think i could save you some time and stress get the servers running asp , i can set up dedicated boxes and have set up a few already in windows 2012. and i can be your go to guy for advice and what ever you need.

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Its great to see you're passionate about making a server man :). The best way to get this done is by learning from the information here on the forums. However, as you said this could be difficult due to your busy lives. You will need to establish a name for yourself in order to be successful, get a great (trustworthy) admin team together, and ways to communicate with your players (ie website, teamspeak?) and listen to their needs.


I currently have a server running (hosted by verthosting) and its hard work indeed. It takes patience and time. If you ever need any help with scripts or general tips please dont hesitate to contact me.


Wishing you a warm welcome to Dayz Epoch from us at mercsgaming :)

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