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Some Ideas.


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First I want to say the mod is looking amazing .. These Ideas are just some things I have thought about for epoch for some time. I fully understand that some of these Ideas are likey not able to be done or maybe something that would be done later on. But I would post them and get some thoughts on it .. 


1. Turn down or customize and turn down the heli flying sounds. Also when you run into some of the AI add some eerie ambient sounds. For me when it comes to a horror movie or game the music and ambient sounds just add to the horror. 


1b. Make maps and writing on the map persistent. So if someone places markers on the map of there base or key points they loot and they die. You could pick up the map and see these locations. 


2. Radios. I would like to see Group chat linked to Radios. Maybe use a system to add players to groups, Once in the group and you have a radio you can chat over the map. If this was added I would like to Side Chat removed. Also to take it to the next level you could add a Teamspeak plugin to go with epoch. Seeing how most of us use teamspeak to chat with friends. Adding A plugin and radios and filters into teamspeak would be cool. This idea is from using ACRE in Arma 2. 


3. Add Post Processing and sound effects to let you know when your hungry and thirsty and other feelings. Keep the Hud clean. Or give players options, they could have huds or the sound effect or both. 


4. Add options to paint and customize your items,. Like your weapons and vehicles and gear. I have always wanted to place my clan logo on my backpack. I think using badges for groups and being able to place them on all your gear and content would help players figure out who is in your group.  If this was added I would like to see the item be something you loot in the world. Once the item is found it would allow that player to unlock one item per badge.


5. To be able to use in game items. be able to walk up to a bed and interact with it and go to sleep. When this happens, you would see your player lay down on the bed and go to sleep . Or be able to sit in a chair,


6. Be able to loot and place in world items into your house. Items like Stoves, Chairs and beds and Pictures.


7. Add a polaroid camera into the game, When you take a screenshot it would show up on the polaroid picture in game. You could then share the pictures or place them on walls. 


8. Add spray paint into the game and allow players to spray paint walls in the world. Leave msgs for other players. The idea is you would get a menu in game .. You would type your msg and hit enter or click a button and it would do an animation. The msg would stay there for a set time frame or until restart. 


Again this is just my ideas for epoch. Overall what is there now is alot of fun. I just feel adding ideas like this would push this mod into a true real life Horror style RPG game. To everyone working on A3 EPOCH thank you. I am very much enjoying my time here and love what the epoch dev group is doing. 

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2) is available, its called taskforceradio and we use it in the 15thMEU realism server and it works very well... and reduces lag on the game server as chat is handled thru teamspeak..


4) clan logos can already be brought into game... putting them onto the backpack (instead of vehicles) may be the hard part...


5) the ideas about sleeping etc im not sure as you have to add custom motion capture animations for the player and I think they are stuck with using what bohemia has created...

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that's what task force radio is for...  for customizing for your particular group or mod....  its a great asset that can be found at armaholic


but if the epoch crew could make their own that would be great...    I can also see some great mission possibilities for this like other mods..  For example,  mission announcement comes across the radio saying a downed supply chopper is in such and such area....  it can say this on a universal freq... say channel one is always set to this frequency... any other channels the users can set to whatever freq they want their team/group to use... but have custom radio messages recorded and tied to certain events in the mission file so that when a mission comes up and it spawns the chopper or whatever it may be it plays the radio message every few minutes until the mission is completed.... then after a certain amount of time another radio message comes across...


     Could create some great fun this way....

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