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Problem Updating Vendor Stock

Molon Labe


I am having an issue with the inventory of some the Traders on my Epoch server. This is on a Vilayer server.
I see in the database there is an updateStockDaily event that runs daily, but for some reason players are still getting insufficient stock notices when trying to buy some items.
CREATE DEFINER=`vilayer`@`%` EVENT `updateStockDaily`
		EVERY 1 DAY STARTS '2014-07-07 12:31:49'
	COMMENT 'Updates out of stock vendors'
	DO UPDATE `Traders_DATA` SET qty=10 WHERE qty=0 AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat'
Is there somewhere that I can view their inventory?
Is there an explanation to this? - I don't know much about SQL, so your input would be greatly appreciated.
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Try to use this: 

SELECT item, qty, buy, sell 
   from Traders_DATA

This should give you a list of all the items, how many the traders have and the respective Buy/Sell price. 

Note that if you are using HeidiSQL, you can just click on the table "traders_data" and select (in the center-top frame) the "data" tab, which will show you all the content from the table. 

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