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Adding Mods - How to and Where to go for help.



Just a general query really.  Wanting to start adding Mods to my Private server and i literally have Zero clue on the subject.  Files to edit.  Do i have to mess about with my database, add lines into my Hive... Do some Mod downloads come with "How-to's" or are they alll the same?  Thanks for all the support this site has given me btw!!  (Y)


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I code in C++, SQL, and Cisco Routing already as a job so i know the logistics (Networking Engineer).  And i of course, before asking, did my research and have currently updated my server with the Admin tools which was pretty harmsless.  It's more things like;


ZERO carry Weight
Snap building (Noticed there is a newer version out published very recently which is a HUGE update from the one i am used to on most Epoch Servers)


They're the main two i would like to establish so i can actually start to reek havoc with a couple of friends of mine. "Trolololol" and all that jazz.


Again, thank you for the fast replies as always.



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Sorry boys, been living in the wild for a couple of days...  Thanks for the reply. I'll add to it now.  And by "MODs" i just meant by definition, just modding the game.  But thanks for the clarification.  Should make things easier to explain later on.  Cheers!



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