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I understand that '_this' can work for this as a local variable :


_myVariable =


_mVa = _this select 0;

_mVb = _this select 1;

_mVc = _this select 2;


_total = _mVa + _mVb - _mVc;



[1,2,3] call _hinting;


hint format ["Example Total: %1",_total];


Then i see things like this:

_body = (_this select 3) select 0;


Can someone give some detailed advanced examples where "_this" is used?


Also is _this strictly local?


Thank youuuu!


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_this same as _x are so called "magic variables", they can not be used by normal means like a local var.

xBowBii gives a good example on how _this variable can be used to access called arguments from external scripts in your function.


Here's a little extra on how to create new variables using same functions (can be complex nested arrays, too).

_weLikeDat = ["Damn", "Nice", "Booty"] call fnc_checkDatBooty; //create new variable created from args returned from function

fnc_checkDatBooty = { //this is the function we just called, probably defined in some other files somewhere else.
_booty = _this select 2; // select only variable we want

_booty //return booty

//_weLikeDat variable will now become a string with "booty" in it.
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