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Server taking nearly 6 minutes to restart?



So I notice that my server takes a while to restart and it can sometimes take up to 8 minutes to load you into game past the in-game map screen. These are the particular errors where the server hangs for around a minute, does anybody know what the issue is here?

14:07:12 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
14:07:12 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
14:07:12 "WAI: Sapwned in 1 M2StaticMG"
14:07:13 "WAI: Paradrop Waiting for player"
14:07:13 "WAI: Paradrop Waiting for player"
14:07:13 "WAI: Mission Config File Loaded"
14:07:13 "WAI: Starting AI Missions Moniter"
14:07:13 String STR_TGW_VIL_AK74_GP25 not found
14:07:13 String STR_TGW_VIL_AK74_GP25 not found
14:07:13 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon L85A2_base_BAF with scope=private

These are also at the start of the RPT error log, what do these mean?

14:06:59 Server: Object info 2:13 not found during Changing Owner
14:06:59 Server: Object info 2:0 not found during Changing Owner

This is also a problem;

14:10:02 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crate_military.sqf not found

I also have a map marker issue, regardless of the marker and the coordinates, there is always the following error for the first custom map marker inside of my custom folder in the mission file;

14:04:59 Error in expression <r1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker1 = _BalotaResearchCentre;

_marker2 = creat>
14:04:59   Error position: <_BalotaResearchCentre;

_marker2 = creat>
14:04:59   Error Undefined variable in expression: _balotaresearchcentre
14:04:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\custom\custom_markers.sqf, line 5
14:05:00 Error in expression <01.nul = [this,5,time,false,false] spawn BI>

As for my custom markers file, this is what it looks like and I see no immediate problems;



_marker1 = createMarker ["BalotaResearchCentre", [4838.2178,2283.6851,0]];
_marker1 setMarkerText "Balota CDC";
_marker1 setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker1 = _BalotaResearchCentre;

_marker2 = createMarker ["Sector_B", [6611.9756, 14201.991]];
_marker2 setMarkerText "Sector B";
_marker2 setMarkerType "hd_unknown";
_marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker2 = _Sector_B;

_marker3 = createMarker ["Area_18", [7955.47,13650.3,0.00143433]];
_marker3 setMarkerText "Area 18";
_marker3 setMarkerType "hd_unknown";
_marker3 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker3 = _Area_18;


Any help with the following errors I am getting I would appreciate, thanks!

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sounds like a performance problem.... think you dont have a own root sever ? 

I use Villayer for hosting, I don't think I should be having peformance issues.



_marker1 = createMarker ["BalotaResearchCentre", [4838.2178,2283.6851,0]];
_marker1 setMarkerText "Balota CDC";
_marker1 setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker1 = _BalotaResearchCentre;

_marker2 = createMarker ["Sector_B", [6611.9756, 14201.991]];
_marker2 setMarkerText "Sector B";
_marker2 setMarkerType "hd_unknown";
_marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker2 = _Sector_B;

_marker3 = createMarker ["Area_18", [7955.47,13650.3,0.00143433]];
_marker3 setMarkerText "Area 18";
_marker3 setMarkerType "hd_unknown";
_marker3 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker3 = _Area_18;

Should be:

_marker1 = createMarker ["BalotaResearchCentre", [4838.2178,2283.6851,0]];
_marker1 setMarkerText "Balota CDC";
_marker1 setMarkerType "mil_destroy";
_marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker1 = _Marker1;

_marker2 = createMarker ["Sector_B", [6611.9756, 14201.991]];
_marker2 setMarkerText "Sector B";
_marker2 setMarkerType "hd_unknown";
_marker2 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker2 = _marker2;

_marker3 = createMarker ["Area_18", [7955.47,13650.3,0.00143433]];
_marker3 setMarkerText "Area 18";
_marker3 setMarkerType "hd_unknown";
_marker3 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker3 = _Marker3;

Because you say: X = Y but Y is nowhere defined so you have to do X = Z while Z is defined above


But this should not touch performance..

14:10:02 Warning Message: Script z\addons\dayz_server\modules\crate_military.sqf not found

Do you have crate_military.sqf in modules folder? If yes, you possible added .sqf in the init.sqf section where it launches the mission.

14:07:13 String STR_TGW_VIL_AK74_GP25 not found
14:07:13 String STR_TGW_VIL_AK74_GP25 not found
14:07:13 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon L85A2_base_BAF with scope=private

Look at the mission executed right before the error - in your case I think it is something else, a box with guns in it maybe? from AI City or such-

Open the box sqf, and take "STR_TGW_VIL_AK74_GP25" and "L85A2_base_BAF" from the gun list out so they don't spawn in the box



Thanks, I will try out these suggestions and see if I have any luck.

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Okay I don't have the crate_military.sqf inside of the server modules folder, where can I find this?


I'm also missing the following


  • crate_construction,
  • crate_supply_items

I can't think of how these are being used, do you know where I can get a copy of them?

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