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DayZ Silent Hill Effect



3 answers to this question

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That looks good, but for a constant thing it would get annoying and depressing!

Could you make the snow more dense? I think it looks good and doesn't really look like snow since its pretty grey.

Also, is the zombie sight affected by the fog/snow? Obviously it should be reduced, since your own visibility and range is reduced so it would be a pain if the zeds can see you but you can't see them!


With regards to the EVR storm on Namalsk, dare I point out the obvious and look through the code for Namalsk? I'm also tempted to find this out, I've always liked the idea of the EVR storms in Namalsk and having those ported over to other maps would be a real nice addition to any server I think.

Will be watching this thread if you're going to progress this further ;)

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Here is the a version of the snow code: http://opendayz.net/threads/adding-snow-to-your-server.12523/


Found a post where they are making ash (about half way down in the Eagle Wing Effects): http://www.kylania.com/ex/ looks like the parameters in _parray used by createVehicle #particlesource that specify the 'look' of the snow / ash particle.


Can't see why a script couldn't be run by the client to randomly start this effect, even to stop it when inside a building. Not sure if the server could run it as, I believe, that particles need to be created client side, like lights, not tested that theory though..


As for speed / volume of particles I would mess with _ps setDropInterval 0.01; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDropInterval


I would be tempted to read in some current weather variables and apply snow randomly. If, say, it was overcast and a bit windy (@DayZ_Epoch\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf)

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