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[TEMP\RELEASE] DayZ Epoch Linux Server


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This is my temporary solution for the epoch Update,  All things work as far as I know and I can say with 50% certanty that it can be used for production servers, if you find any bugs at all submit a issue report on the github and I'll have a look into it as soon as I can










- Added Jahangir's Gender Fix and Time Sync Fix

- Added JPhix's BE Rcon Restart Warnings *In the Tools folder with instructions and added pre-made 3 hour restart crons for them and the cron if you wish to use the Time Sync fix *Not Required* Remember to change the directory to your servers directory

- Added Support for Sauerland and Namalsk server keys in the Keys folder under "External Keys (Use as Needed)

- Fixed Traders not giving items and stuck on "User Trading"

- Fixed buildings and inventory not saving


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This is what I have so far, Please don't use this on production servers, this is only for testing at the moment, get back to me with that you find :)


there are a few event errors I know about already I have not fully tested this yet


Also post your dump.logs too:) preferably in pastebin

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Builded complete new epoch folder and ./installed and ./tolowered... imported your databases and when i start server with ./writer.pl the server doesnt do anything.


I tryed to give the wrong DB data, then the writer.pl says that it cant connect to db.


so any suggestions?




dumb.log = empty 




This stupid mofo opened TCP ports :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:  ... -> works now  :wub:

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First Login works.

FPS are at 60 ingame.

No lagging ... oh wait ... as long as the writer.pl is writing MUCH things after serverstart, it could be that there will come a very small lag about 0.5 sec. not mentionable. 


After LogOut, you cant login anymore until server restarted.

Deleting Information from Database ist just a tempoary solution and doesnt work well except this is annoying xD


so here are a couple of errors from my dump.log:



I copied them out of the dump.log and gave them numbers like " #########1 " , " ########## " and so on.


Hope it helps





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commited it works () got this testing now for some time and bump some player on it...


-old server file & battleye.so should be changed to actual ones


(if someone like to test as player (server is Vanilla!)

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I'll have a look at those errors when I get home from work, is everything else alright? I noticed something about player login when I scrolled through the dump log but I didn't have time to fix it because I was about to start work

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The login problem is the only heavy problem atm i think ... 1st login is always normal, the second hangs in the authentication process...


i guess the problem is in this part of my log:

12:54:34 "CHILD:101:1xxUIDxx2:11:Flodding:"
12:54:34 "LOAD PLAYER: \cache\players\any\1xxUIDxx2.sqf"
12:54:34 Warning Message: Script cache\players\any\1xxUIDxx2.sqf not found
12:54:34 "PLAYER CACHE: "
12:54:34 "BACKLOAD PLAYER: \cache\players\scalar\1xxUIDxx2.sqf"
12:54:34 Warning Message: Script cache\players\scalar\1xxUIDxx2.sqf not found
12:54:34 "PLAYER CACHE: "
12:54:34 Error in expression <y = format["\cache\players\%1\%2.sqf", (MyPlayerCounter - 1), _playerID];
12:54:34   Error position: <MyPlayerCounter - 1), _playerID];
12:54:34   Error Undefined variable in expression: myplayercounter
12:54:34 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 47
12:54:34 "PLAYER DEFAULT CACHE: ["PASS",false,"1",[],[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","ItemGPS","MeleeCrowbar"],["ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaCoke","FoodbeefCooked"]],["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[],[]],[0,0,0],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]"
12:54:34 "CHILD:11:any:"
12:54:34 Error in expression <ey = format["\cache\players\%1\%2.sqf", MyPlayerCounter, _playerID];
diag_log (">
12:54:34   Error position: <MyPlayerCounter, _playerID];
diag_log (">
12:54:34   Error Undefined variable in expression: myplayercounter
12:54:34 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41



Line 2 : why is this "any"-Folder created?

Line 5 : same with the "scalar"-Folder...?


the code in writer.pl says that it will create foldernames with the actual number of Players online.

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Yeah that's why I'm doing a temp one until he gets the chance to do it :-)

At least you can login hahaha maybe vbawol could see what I broke xD if not I'll sort it in a couple of hours when I'm finished work

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Data would be saved to DB, but did not load Worldspace & Item Data after relog. I ll take a look in the evening...

Everything else to seem running nice.


for testing, i symlinked "any" to "\cache\players\1"


Gear & Worldspace saved in /cache/players but it loads the default.sqf everytime  

Save player: /home/steam/arma2/cherno15/cache/players/1/235536390.sqf
11:49:22 "LOAD PLAYER: \cache\players\any\235536390.sqf"
11:49:22 "PLAYER CACHE: ["PASS",false,"12",[],[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMap","ItemGPS","MeleeCrowbar"],["ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaCoke","FoodbeefCooked"]],["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[],[]],[0,0,0],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]"
11:49:22 "CHILD:11:any:"
Argument "any" isn't numeric in int at ./writer.pl line 251, <STDIN> line 2397.
11:49:22 Error in expression <ey = format["\cache\players\%1\%2.sqf", MyPlayerCounter, _playerID];
diag_log (">
11:49:22   Error position: <MyPlayerCounter, _playerID];
diag_log (">
11:49:22   Error Undefined variable in expression: myplayercounter
11:49:22 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf, line 41
11:49:22 Server: Object 3:95 not found (message 94)
11:49:22 "CHILD:102:12:"
11:49:22 "LOAD CHARACTER: \cache\players\any\235536390-char.sqf"
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I uploaded a temp fix for the myplayercounter could someone try it for me I'm working until Saturday maybe sunday so I can't do a proper check on it to see if it actually worked and could someone check the traders work too because I tried them last night but it got stuck on you are still trading and never gave me the item also if you have a build box script can you build something restart and see if it's still there,


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Got stuck importing the tables.sql file into my fresh cleaned database.


always got an syntax error ... i had a short look into the tables.sql and found your DROP TRIGGER and CREATE TRIGGER at the very end of the file..


I corrected the syntax and now importing the sql file works like a charm...


heres the new code:


DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS char_gender_fix


CREATE TRIGGER char_gender_fix
	DECLARE oldCharacterID integer;
	DECLARE oldHumanity integer;
		IF (NEW.Alive = 1) THEN
			SELECT CharacterID, Humanity INTO oldCharacterID, oldHumanity
			FROM `Character_DATA` 
			WHERE PlayerUID = NEW.PlayerUID
			AND Alive = '0'
			ORDER BY CharacterID Desc
			LIMIT 1;
			SET NEW.Inventory = '[[],[]]';
			SET NEW.Backpack = '["",[],[]]';
			SET NEW.Worldspace = '[]';
			SET NEW.Medical = '[]';
			SET NEW.KillsZ = 0;
			SET NEW.HeadshotsZ = 0;
			SET NEW.DistanceFoot = 0;
			SET NEW.Duration = 0;
			SET NEW.CurrentState = '[]';
			SET NEW.KillsH = 0;
			SET NEW.Model = '"Survivor2_DZ"';
			SET NEW.KillsB = 0;
				IF (oldCharacterID IS NOT NULL) THEN
				SET NEW.Humanity = oldHumanity;
				SET NEW.Humanity = 2500;
				END IF;

Now trying out the server ;)






You inserted the WRONG "arma2oaserver" file... please update it to "112555" ;)

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Tested a bit around... 


Everything seems to work but there remain a few problems.


For standart there is Paraspawn = true. I got rejoin problems with it. server always wants me to select male or female on rejoin. If i set Paraspawn = false there are no problems with that.


When i rejoin the server, it happens some times that im rollbacked. One time i was spawned on an old male dead player location as female. i think this is not much important cause it happens only if you rejoin as fast as you can.


in dumb.log remain the "server_functions.sqf" errors as before.

heres a part of the log:




All in all i would say its stable and working good and stable. 


Maybe i can get some of my frieds to play on my server doing weird things just to see if everything runs good.



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ok here we go, first thank you Dean. The most of things seem working!


-Worldspace & Gear is now loading correct


trader test:

-Airplane Trader is not working for me... (in "cache" is no "traders" Folder)(i create it by hand & try~)


i got a little time for testing now, more i ll do later!

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