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(Bug) Crash helicopter hard, heli explodes, doesn't kill or eject occupant, hourglass on screen but no knockout


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I've tested this multiple ways, and on a completely fresh, vanilla server install (112555, Epoch with battleye enabled. Zero addons or scripts, all default settings that Epoch comes with.


You can crash a helicopter (or plane) at full speed, straight into the ground or a building or anything, and it trashes the chopper completely, but does not eject the pilot or kill him. It takes 2/3 of the pilot's blood, causes bleeding, and blurs your screen with the proper hourglass symbol, but you are still inside the charred helicopter, you're still able to talk in channels, and still able to use the scroll menu to "get out" of the helicopter. Once you do get out, you're able to run around and continue playing with your character, even though you've still got a long hourglass wait in the middle of your screen. Obviously your character is supposed to be long dead by this point...definitely a bug. Maybe exploitable.


If you need evidence, I'll make a youtube video documenting me installing the server, and reproducing this bug.



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