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[Release] Trader City Ukanc for Panthera


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I've added the custom trader city, Trader City Ukanc, close to the city of Ukanc on the map Panthera. I like it a lot, and thought I'd share it for others who might want to add it onto their map. It's just like the other traders, it comes with all of the normal traders and it is conveniently placed in the middle of the map at Ukanc. Here's how to add it:


 First, (if you don't already have one) create a "buildings" folder in the root of your mission.pbo. Inside, add these:

http://sharesend.com/8mz2yws9 - tradercityUkanc.sqf
Once added, open your init.sqf and add these lines at the bottom:
[] ExecVM "buildings\tradercityUkanc.sqf";
[] ExecVM "buildings\traders.sqf";

Next, open your Mission.sqm and CTRL+F for 

class Markers

Just under class Markers, you should see items=21 (or whatever number). Add 1 more number there, so if it's items=21, change it to items=22.


Next, scroll down to the last class Item. If you haven't added any other markers, it should be class Item20, the Mello trader marker. Add this right after that marker: 

	class Item21
			text="Trader City Ukanc";

(Note that it's Item21, one less than the items= number you set earlier. That's because it's counting 0 as a number)


Scroll down just a bit more and you'll see class Sensors. Similar to the earlier step, change the item=9 to item=11.


Once done, scroll down to the end of the sensors list, and add this: 

		class Item10
			expCond="(player distance TraderCityUkanc) < 100; ";
			expActiv="TitleText[""Now Entering Trader City Ukanc"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false;";
			expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now Leaving Trader City Ukanc"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true;";
			class Effects
		class Item11
			expCond="(player distance TraderCityUkanc) < 100; ";
			expActiv="TitleText[""Now Entering Trader City Ukanc"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = false;";
			expDesactiv="TitleText[""Now Leaving Trader City Ukanc"",""PLAIN DOWN""]; canbuild = true;";
			class Effects

You can edit the size of the zone here too. 


If done correctly, that should have added the trader city, traders, marker and godmode zone in. 


Let me know if you have any questions, or of any ideas you have and i'll reply as soon as I can. 


Also, if you're looking for a nice DayZ Epoch Panthera server to join, join the server using the IP below on the GameTracker banner.


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